Friday, October 25, 2013

The unanswered question from the Marine Corps cover fiasco...

My position is clear.  I believe Amos, acting through the Uniform Board, was following his Commanders Intent (the President) by even putting up such a ridiculous proposal for study.  Has Amos acted outside the best traditions of the Marine Corps?  Yes.  But on uniforms? There is no other explanation for the Marine Corps following the Army practice of sleeves down in utilities...especially after polling Marines and finding that they wanted to continue to roll sleeves any other way.  But ignoring all that, there is a portion of the story that hasn't gotten any attention.  Check this out...
The thin new hats have a feminine line that some officials think would make them look just as good on female marines as on males - in keeping with the Obama directive.
What is the Obama directive? 


  1. The same directive as the progressive liberals aka socialist pansies birthed into power ala 60-70's.

    Simply put it is to "fundamentally change america" they come from the idea that we are evil and have done evil to get what we have. To correct that you must reverse all that brought US to this pinnacle, all our cultural foundation. America was based on three foundation pillars, God, Country, Family in that order. If you sit and think about every liberal policy or platform and all the Hollywood propaganda it all targets one of those three pillars.

    Its a cultural war and we are losing, losing badly. The military falls in the country pillar so it is a target.

    1. C-Low, agreed man. The constant war on our way of life, our values, is what is degrading us at, what appears to be and feel like, an alarming rate. As Abraham Lincoln once said; "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." - Abraham Lincoln, Lyceum Address, January 27, 1838.

    2. How about: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness? Or, to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity?

  2. to make the military more "equal" of course.

    Gotta drum of the woman voters for Hillary in 2016 you see......

  3. Why do we allow residents of this nation to vote, whom have never served in some form or fashion? I know the answer, but i am day dreaming about living in Heinlein's Star Ship Troopers Republic...

    We have over 22 Million Veterans in this nation, assuming 3/4 of us are conservative, you would assume we could get something done, maybe we should start our own political action group... We can not count on the VA it is under the direction of the executive branch.

  4. Of course the president has nothing to do with hats or covers. Changes to the Marine uniform policy are proposed by the Marine Corps Uniform Board, a group of senior noncommissioned officers who meet annually to survey the force and draw up recommendations. Those recommendations are passed on to Marine Corps Commandant James Amos, who is the final decision maker on uniform matters.

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  11. This story was stupid. The makers put the photo out and it blew out of proportion! we arnt getting some new cover, and yes it does look very dan daily ish, and he was kinda of a bad ass. people need to stop making a big deal out of nothing

    1. i don't give a rats ass what you think is stupid or not. just answer my damn question. whats the obama directive? but you won't because like most idiots that populate this planet you have a normalcy bias. you want to believe whatever nonsense is shoved down your throat so badly that you don't even realize that the leader of the Marine Corps is nothing more than a common criminal.

      you're the type of guy that can't raise his head high enough to realize that you're being spoonfed bullshit.

      no. you would rather go along and get along. carry your ass to another blog. i no longer have the patience to be nice with arrogant little pricks that think that if they deem something a certain way then that ends the conversation. i would rather you just disagree and move on to another spot on the web.

    2. I think the only Marine cover Obama cares about is the umbrella.

      Sol is right. It is the small matters where intent is clearly indicated. Push back.

    3. Did someone take my stupid google account or something?!?!

      Im waiting to see the end game here, no Marine, even the female's ive talked to want this.

      And while it looks alot like the one Dan Daily wore, and the man was a fucking bad ass! Im not a fan

  12. Now it's moved up to DoD and SecNav.
    . . .Additionally, Marine Corps and other services have been asked by the DoD to find a unisex option for a dress and service cover as a cost-saving measure, Marine spokesman Lt. Col. Neil Murphy said.
    However, Murphy said Friday, “Confusion caused by the survey’s release outside the Marine Corps, and exacerbated by recent rumors in the media, compelled the board to pull the survey.” “While there was never any desire or intent to change the male Marine dress cover, the feedback we have received has been heard, loud and clear,” Murphy said.

    Navy Secretary Ray Mabus has asked the Navy and Marine Corps to look at moving to one cover for men and women. “The secretary believes that when you look at a group of sailors and Marines, you should see a group of sailors and Marines, indistinguishable by uniform,” said Cmdr. Tamra Lawrence, a spokeswoman for Mabus.

    The Marine Corps Uniform Board had sent out the surveys in advance of its meeting next week. It asked whether Marines believe women should adopt the current male cover, with some small modifications, or for all Marines to adopt what they call the Dan Daly cap.

  13. from Headquarters Marine Corps

    Marine Corps not changing male dress cover
    By Cpl. Chelsea Flowers Anderson

    Recent headlines in the media have created confusion regarding a Marine Corps uniform item, the male dress cover. Some in the media have implied that the President of the United States directed a change in this dress cover.

    Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James F. Amos said, “the President in no way, shape or form directed the Marine Corps to change our uniform cover.”

    While the Marine Corps Uniform Board is currently looking for a new cover, or cap, for female Marines because the current manufacturer is going out of business, there is no intent to change the current male Marine dress cover.
    A survey released by the Marine Corps Uniform Board eliciting input from Marines in regard to uniform items, sought opinions about the “Dan Daly-style” cover.

  14. Sounds to me like Obama has nothing to do with it, probably wasn't even aware of this...if US Army comes up with crappy uniform, are we going to blame Obama? When I was in, we had to buy that beret thingy, everyone thought it was a bad idea, don't remember anyone blaming Bush....

    They are saying it is because the female hat manufacturer is going out of business and male hat won't change, we will have to wait and see.

    1. REALLY NICO, if it was not the intent to change the cover for the male Marines, then why was a male Marine pictured in that F---ing cover? Regarding the beret, yes it is dumb, and quite frankly the end blame would rest on Bush's shoulders as the commander and chief. I think the main point is, due to the DOD gender norm-ing and the forced inclusion of all persuasions, which any sane person accepts is at the direction of the President, that this is by extension at his direction as well, based on his stated intentions. We are allowing citizens of our country whom never served nor had any intention of serving shape something that defines us as Veterans. Semper Fi!

    2. well said Will. Nico is generally on the right side of issues but somehow he wandered off on this one. let me add to what you said though. not only are people that never served attempting to define the military, but people that DESPISE the military are trying to define what we are.

      this is enough to drive me high and to the right.


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