Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Unbelievable restraint by the Chief of San Antonio PD.

Ok.  I've been body slamming police procedure, procurement, fitness and demeanor towards the general public.  But when I saw this, all I could say is 'atta boy' Chief.  You might be 100% politician but you doped out this situation, and handled it almost perfectly.

Where did they go wrong?  Nervousness illustrated in the body language of the officers.  While the Chief seemed relaxed, the Corporal that got asked a couple of questions became more and more agitated.  He really looked like he was about to enter a fight or flight type response.  Did you notice the black guy close by?  I don't know if he's a LEO but I clocked him as being so.  Why?  What?  No!  Don't be an idiot, you have black people that attend these rallies.  What gave him away was his standard cop shades, and his clothing.  Additionally did you check out his hands?  Typical defense stance type stuff.  Additionally he adjusted his jacket a couple of times because it would fly open.  That screams concealed carry.  The jacket re-adjustment screams full sized handgun concealed carry.

So besides an officer getting baited and having it show on his face, and an undercover guy that was so easy to clock that I had to laugh....all I can say is good job San Antonio PD.  You probably had your SWAT unit around the corner but the public face of this incident seems pitch perfect.


  1. What the hell is the point of badgering law enforcement officers that are doing nothing wrong? To start and incident and convince the 60% of Americans that do not own guns that all gun owners insane as these two? What ever happened to being a gentleman or at the very least a decent person?

  2. Yeah, these people are slime. What the hell do they help by going around acting like fucking rosie o'donnel


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