Wednesday, November 20, 2013

BAE Marine Personnel Carrier & Sea States.

When the BAE Marine Personnel Carrier is listed as being able to operate in Sea State 3, people roll their eyes and seem to say so?  Well this video is to illustrate the various Sea States so a better understanding of how ROUGH a ride and how IMPRESSIVE that really is.  Oh and be advised, in many places when you get up to Sea State 3, small boat advisories are often issued.  Check out the vid below...


  1. Awesome vid. As one of the new desert dwelling Marines I have little idea of sea states other than what I see listed on capabilities sheet so thank you.

    1. its one of those things that need to be experienced rather than observed....its coming for ya so keep one of those mini garbage bags in your'll thank me later.

  2. Fortunately, well-deck ops are limited to certain sea-states.
    And no floating APC/MFV etc. would ever do more than 7kts for less than 2 hours.

    Fortunately, no ARG-CO will ever bring any such vehicles this close to any hostile shore, putting them instead on the deck of a Connector for the trip to shore.

    It will either be air-cushion-based 30+kts ride or a slower but much heavier LCU-X type experience.
    You still can get green in the face though...

    1. The USMC has a goal of offloading from sealif ships in (wait for it) SS$ !!!
      From my long experience on amphibs and sealift ships it is a fool hardy if not unobtainable goal. Of course COs and Masters will pull the plug on high sea state ops as dangerous

      And ascribing to such goals is why the Navy is buy MLP and other such nonsense.

      BUT will there ever be enough landing craft and lighterage (hate the Connnector word) to lift tactical vehicles to shore? Go look up the price and timeline to buy SSC or LCU(X).

    2. The USMC has a goal of offloading from sealift ships like the MPS in (wait for it) SS4 !!!
      From my experience on amphibs and sealift ships, it is a foolhardy if not unobtainable goal. Of course, COs and Masters will pull the plug on high sea state ops as dangerous

      And ascribing to such goals is why the Navy is buying MLP and other such nonsense.

      BUT will there ever be enough landing craft and lighterage (hate the Connnector word) to lift tactical vehicles to shore? Go look up the price and timeline to buy SSC or LCU(X).

  3. Does it come with a hose to wash out the puke after they reach land? I'd hate to be in something that small in sea state 3.

    1. it really matters on how experienced your track crew is. alot of them carry puke bags, the rookie crews get pissed, the old hands get laughs....

  4. First time I've seen a video showing the different sea states. Now I'm really impressed by the ShinMaywa US-2 that can handle up to sea state 5.

    1. yeah i read that when India started sniffing around to buy some. can't find a vid of it operating in those conditions though.


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