Friday, November 01, 2013


via Business Insider.
Here's the Porsche that Cleveland Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon drives.
It's camo-colored and has bright orange rims.
He talked to ESPN about the car this week, saying: "It definitely draws attention, but there's only certain days I bring it out. I drive another car less attractive looking. It really doesn't bother me. It doesn't seem to bother anybody else. They might stare and recognize me, but I don't really try to make a big deal out of it."
Money don't buy class.

I've seen ranch trucks or hunting rigs that are camo'd up but this is new for me. Can we say attention whore?  This is 100% pure dee fugly (fucking ugly).


  1. Wrong to do that to a Porsche, even though I don't particularly care for that model. He also will realize how much of an error it was when he tries to sell it.....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's not a "real" sports-car because it's got 4 doors :)

  4. What I find funny is that he painted the thing in camo then gave it bright orange rims, which stick out like a sore thumb. Seems counter productive to the original purpose.


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