Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Helmet Cams. The combat issue the Marine Corps should fix now.

The above vid is of a Marine Corps heliborne raid on a opium factory.

Good stuff, good job by all....

But the issue is the helmet cam.  Someday soon, someone is going to post a vid of someone get iced, greased, killed, slaughtered, derped, LTR (laid to rest) or TTM (turned to mist) via their handy dandy helmet cam.

Quite honestly I would push to have all my team, squad and platoon leaders to make checking for helmet cams part of the pre-patrol playbook.

I would have no problem with seeing it on YouTube or at a buddy's bar b que but it's become obvious that we're living in some "interesting" times and the blow back just isn't worth it.


  1. Sol i wore a helmet cam the whole deployment. The videos are mine not youtube, for a reason, Opsec and such aside its for my fellows and me

    1. this wouldn't apply to you. you would be having your people doing the inspections. this is for the Marines that aren't mature enough to understand what can hurt themselves and the Corps.

    2. Oh I understand what your saying and I agree with it. Always felt that at least the squad leaders should have cameras and after each mission just download the videos onto a companys hard drive. That way it was all held preferably by say the 1st sgt or company guns for safe keeping. Makes after actions alot easier when you have the video. You forget things or thought you recalled something when it was latter.


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