Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Oops they did it again. Police perform anal exam on second motorist.

This is weird, infuriating and should make everyone pause.  A cop can order an anal probe for SUSPICION of drugs?

Read this steaming pile here.  Why this isn't front page news everywhere is beyond me.  Something has got to be done.  If the Feds want to gain a LITTLE credibility they should be doing a civil rights violation investigation on this nonsense.


  1. Talked to a former prosecutor today who keeps up with case law and he said there has already been case law that says that a colonoscopy is to invasive. Now most officers unless given a much more in depth class on search and seizure law would not know this as it would not pertain to a normal patrol function. You would think the judge would have known the legality of this or checked to see if there was any case law. Further imaging should have shown if there were any foreign objects in him. this case says they did that, but the earlier one said they didn't. I would think a doctor would do the least invasive procedure before doing anything further. I wonder who wrote the warrant? The warrant is suppose to be written by the judge themselves, but normally never is. Maybe instead of focusing on the dog the news should check out the judge and or judges.

    1. does this even pass the common sense test though? i've heard that border agents simply detain a person upon suspicion of drugs and closely monitor them to see what passes through their 'normal functions'....i've also heard of cavity searches but a colonoscopy? thats too much and fails my sniff test.

  2. Well thats why the courts previously said its to invasive of a procedure and they should have waited for the normal bodily function to occur, or they could of helped it along. Oh and that case they knew he was a mule. A dogs sniff gives you probable cause to search the car, but from what I hear most agencies keep the people away from the dog. Oh and who really wants to get marijuana that bad? I get the hydro is screwing peoples brains up, not the old hippies weed anymore, but how much weed could someone really stick up there???

    1. hydro? never heard of it. definitely time to Google.

    2. Hydroponically grown - folks don't just pump water in to the system, they pump all sorts of kosher fertilizer and some not so kosher stuff in there.

      Result is very strong, laced with chemicals, and with a bad balance between the THC and the CBD (the main 'fun' components).


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