Saturday, November 02, 2013

Russia gearing up to fight China? via

Check this out....
Russia beefing up defenses against China
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced on Mar. 27 during a speech at the Viluchinsk submarine base that Russian Pacific Fleet submarines will be armed with long range high precision weapons to enhance Russia’s strategic deterrent capability.
Western naval experts are likely to interpret this announcement as directed at the United States and its Asian allies but, it’s more likely the case that this move is directed at China with the increasing distrust in Moscow over Beijing’s intentions with an ongoing military buildup.
Moscow has been building up Russian forces in the ‘Eastern Command’ which encompasses the Russian Far East astride China. Military maneuvers and exercises in the Eastern Command have also been increased among both ground and air forces, including a large air defense exercise along the Russian-Mongolian border.
China’s Peoples Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) would have a large advantage in making a massive first strike via Mongolian airspace. Mongolia has no serious air defenses to speak of or many radar sites. Russian radars adjacent to Mongolia would likely not detect a Chinese air strike until it was practically crossing the border if the Chinese flew in at low level.
Russia has also been quickly developing cheap, unguided short range wide area effect tactical weapons which have the role of striking defensively at masses of advancing troops and vehicles.
One such weapons system is the improved Buratino TOS-1; a multiple launch rocket system mounted on a T-72 tank chassis which only has a range of three kilometers and no guidance systems for targeting. The Buratino fires high explosive incendiary and thermobaric warheads which produce no shrapnel but, incinerate all non-metal matter in a target area.
Though never a subject of reporting in any news media, Beijing and Chinese in general including Nationalist Chinese in Taiwan still view the Russian Far East as land stolen from China by Russian Czars. It was not until the late Eighteenth Century that Russia fully expanded to its present borders in the Far East with China. Russia had actually annexed more land than that from China before losing some of it the Imperial Japanese Army during the 1905 Russo-Japanese War.
Beijing's views about the 'lost territories' had as much to do with the Sino-Soviet Split of the late 1960's as a difference of opinion on better ways to promote ‘people’s revolution’ throughout the world and resulted in an on again-off again border war between the Soviet Union and Red China from the late 1960’s until the Soviet collapse in 1993.
Though quiet militarily along the border since then, a new problem has grown across the Russian Far East; illegal Chinese immigration. Unlike America’s immigration problem, illegal Chinese immigrants entering Russia are young men of prime military age. No women and children accompany them.
China has been and remains a Communist police sate with tightly controlled borders. It defies common sense that millions of Chinese could simply slip into Russia looking for a job because they cannot find one in a reportedly booming Chinese economy.
Russian generals are nervous about these developments behind their lines, as well as the fact that over half of China's 2.5 million ground troops are organized into offensive units specializing in blitzkrieg style land warfare, rather than amphibious assault as would be the case were these troops training to land an invasion force over water onto the shores of Taiwan or other nearby potential targets.
Illegal immigration from China.

A massive arms buildup.

Literature from Chinese think tanks that predict a war with Russian sometime around 2040.

Yeah.  At least the Russians are taking the situation seriously.  Has anyone noticed the wildcard in all this?  The Europeans.  They have no role in what could be the most hostile fight the world has known (meaning a war between the US, free Pacific Nations and China or China and the Russians).

But back to illegal immigration.  Did you catch that last blurb?  It defies common sense that millions of Chinese are migrating to Russia looking for a job in supposedly booming China...while not bringing along their family?

Yeah.  Something other than job seeking is going on there.


  1. Chinese economy isn't doing as well as advertised; the Chinese GDP figure is inflated by at least 1 trillion and the manufacturing and construction sectors took a real big hit and never recovered since the Lehman Brothers collapse. Accordingly, there are hundreds of millions of unemployed workers in China, where the problem is particularly worse for new college graduates because Chinese economy doesn't require all those college graduate workers.

    As for illegal Chinese immigration into Siberia, this is caused by the lack of workers in Russian far east, so they will take anybody willing to work, be it unemployed Chinese or North Koreans. Furthermore, the wage level is higher for manual labor in Russia than in China.

  2. If Russia really is gearing up to counter China, it'll be interesting to see what kind of moves Russian-ally India makes.

    1. I think they would attempt to cut-off china's energy supply which passes through the Indian ocean (and past Singapore) leaving china largely dependent on their synthetic energy industry, meanwhile they would probably be bogged down for a while against Pakistan.

  3. The article left out the critical part that the Russian Far East Siberia is mineral resource rich. Having those minerals and resources secure within borders the Chinese controlled would make China resource independent or at least enough so to negate any blockade.

    Funny how history repeats itself and how so many never learn from it. Russia in the 30's supported even allied for a time with a rising former enemy only to have that enemy turn on them nearly destroying them. All just to spite the west.

  4. This reminds me of a SCIFI book, Semper Mars, Luna Marine and some other book, where the Americans and Russians end up fighting most of the world...weird

    1. Hmmm... interesting description of this book series on wiki. It's worth reading ?

    2. i thought it was. Interesting book series, really high on the MOTO for marines but i liked the plot and story line. Could really see something similar happening

  5. Ridiculous! First they sell them the most advance engines they have and now they "gearing up" against China?! It's like Brits selling the Merlin engine to the Reich before second War.

    1. We gave the Soviet Union cutting edge jet engine technology prior to the Cold War.

    2. The Soviets actually won those engines in a billiards game.....

  6. nuke from any global player into one major trade hub anywhere in the world and the entire fiat global economy and world trade will most likely collapse long enough to cause mass migration and mass starvation in the major trade and debt- dependent regions of the world.

    Russia's biggest problem is an aging and shrinking population with a high HIV rate and alcoholism among the young who also cannot afford to have enough children to reverse the shrinkage. Russia's leadership already know that within 100 years they might not be able to maintain a large enough domestically-born deterrent to Chinese and muslim encroachment on their mineral and petroleum-rich regions.

    America's problems stem from overreach and corporate greed that turns out military into a mercenary force and drains the treasury to sustain it. Russia's problems are far worse.

  7. Why does Russia keep selling military equipment to China even when Russia knows China will reverse engineer most of it (Su-30/35, missiles, engines, ect) especially if Russia sees China as a threat?

    1. the same reason why we sell dual use tech with a wink and a nod to the Chinese. pure greed on the part of our corporations and by extension their shareholders which means people like you and me.

      we want increased revenue, the companies deliver and that means that China gets to buy UH-60s for civilian use and then turn around and use them in their military. same applies to the Eurpoeans so no one has clean hands in this.

      if we get serious and stop trade we'll be on the way to solving this problem...globalization is about to collapse anyway but at least we could control the deconstruction of it....if we were smart.

    2. Sol, watch Death by China. Great documentary.

    3. That makes sense, UT Canada providing the engine and sw for the WZ-10 with the promise of securing large amounts of civilian helo orders, pure greed. There has been a lot of treason going on and a lot of individuals/corps getting away with it.

  8. Sol,
    America has an "addiction" to oil. America has also an addiction to importing goods from China. Stop this addiction and you'll start to see China's grip on overall power start to decline. Basically, America is help paying China's military might.

    1. well said but the cure to that is to revert to making things to last and for waashington to get its head out of its ass. we could be independent if we kept every ounce of oil instead of having it processed here and then a matter of fact if we could get right with mexico and canada we would be closer to independence without reworking much of anything.

      disposable products are another problem but thats can be solved with import tariffs.

  9. I was looking back on this article and I couldn't help but to think: wouldn't it be extremely ironic if Russia took the leadership role for all the nations that fear a Chinese expansion?

    They have the arms and the influence to do it as well and with the US absent of good leadership I bet Russia could show us up again in Southeast Asia. Putin certainly showed us up on the Syria Crisis and he already has the political clout to do so again. A few days ago Forbes even replaced their number one most powerful man on earth with Putin when it had previously been Obama:


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