Monday, November 25, 2013

Swedish Strv 105 A/T, the best Centurion. Next up for World of Tanks?

The Swedish Strv 105 A/T as its full designation was, was arguably the best centurion upgrade ever made. It had been modified with a french IRV-sight with monitors for the gunner and commander. This sight was supposedly better than the one in the new Leopard 2S or Strv 122. The turretdrive had been modified and adjusted for a smoother, more precise rotation. The commanders cupola was now powered by electricity and a hunter-killer system was added. The electrical system had been changed from the troublesome system in the Strv 104 to a much improved one. A new suspension allowed the full capacity of the engine to be used, greatly adding to the tanks speed. A revolving turretfloor was added and was clearly better than the one in the Strv 101 which many thought less efficient than the lack of one as in the Strv 102 or 104. A new air cleaner system for the engine, a new hatch and seat for the driver are examples of less revolutionary, but still appreciated modifications. There was only one built and that is now to be seen at Axevalla armormuseum. The 105 was almost impossible to identify externally. The only easy thing to use for distuinguishing it from the 104 was the IRV-camera mounted by the gunbarrel.

Source: War Machine


  1. WoT needs a US Premium TD first.

    Germany & the Soviet lines have 3 Premium TDs each and the UK & France have one each.

    With that being said, this tank is good, too good. It's systems are too modern for WoT :)

  2. Not a hope, what let them screw up another non Russian tank. This said on the basis that wargaming managed to cock up both centurions in the game turning them into a sometimes enjoyable but largely frustrating diversion to the vastly superior array of world war 2 armour available to enjoy. Even worse us Brits are pinning our hopes on the eventual deployment in game of the chieftain which wargaming will label as a "prototype" and proceed to screw up aswell. Nope not bitter at all.

  3. i hear ya, but i'm holding out hopes. their is my fan favorite that i'd love to see...the MBT-70...i'd also like to see the israeli's get some models into the game cause they did some good stuff and i'd also like to see the S-tank get into the game.

    i know...hope in one hand...

  4. Remember that this behind all the Upgrades is a Centurion mkIII taken from British Army stocks and sold to Sweden in the early 50's
    It's come a long way since 20-lbr guns was the hot new thing for tanks !


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