Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Pacific. Looking more and more like pre-WW2 days...

Sōryū-class submarine
via The Telegraph.
The Asian arms race is young, but clearly under way already. China has launched its first stealth drone, known as Sharp Sword. It developing indigenous aircraft carriers. Its “Two-Ocean-Strategy” implies a fleet of five or six carrier battle groups.
Japan is already rearming. It is building a de facto marine force. It has launched its largest warship since WW2, an 800-foot long DDH-class helicopter carrier, an aircraft carrier in all but name. Tokyo is developing its own version of the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency. Spending on warships and aircraft will jump by 23pc this year.
When I visited the spanking new buildings of the Japanese defence ministry in Tokyo in March, it already seemed like another world from the run-down digs of the old Self-Defence Force that I had visited six years earlier.
You could feel the emergence of a new military power, pacifist still in name only. The message that came through loud and clear from talking to officials is that Japan is ready for a fight if necessary, and is convinced that it can sink or shoot down any force sent by China into Japan's waters and airspace – whether to close in on the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, or to ratchet up pressure against Okinawa.
The author looks at British history pre-WW1 as a template for whats going on.

I think if you change the names of the players, you have a pre-WW2 scenario going on.  A hunt for resources, age old claims and extreme nationalism.

Yes.  I will be alarmist.  The seeds have been sown and soon the crops will be harvested.

We're looking at the opening moves for the next major war.  Oh and yeah.  I called this an arms race months ago and finally the mainstream media is catching on. 


  1. Nuclear weapons will not let this to go to world war, and at last another good old cold war will begin. And cold war mean competition between governments worldwide -- competition in scientific, social, military, space spheres. Cold war is the answer to this series of "economic" crises when capitalist sharks started devouring their own nations.

    1. well said....and I agree wholeheartedly...and who will profit at the top from all this cold war preparation....

  2. Agree that with nukes, I doubt it will go that far to world war.

    It will be an interesting part to see the alliances and the different combinations between countries, I think it will be a mistake to just think the all Asian countries will side with USA/Japan/Australia block versus China.

    One example among many of Japan and Skorea both not liking China moves but at the same time, they also have issues with each other....

  3. Not entirely relevant to currant topic but it looks like Skorea just signed up for BAE upgraded F16s and not LMT, interesting...

  4. In other news, China moves in the economic field.

    Nov 25, 2013
    Reception in Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership was held in Jakarta

    On the evening of November 25, 2013, the Chinese Mission to ASEAN and the Committee of Permanent Representatives of ASEAN co-hosted a reception in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of Strategic Partnership between China and ASEAN in Marriot Hotel, Jakarta. The reception started off with the Chinese National Anthem and the ASEAN Anthem. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN, ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh, Suvat Chirapant, Permanent Representative of Thailand to ASEAN (Country coordinator for China-ASEAN relations) delivered remarks respectively and cut a cake together to celebrate the happy occasion.

    ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) -- Ten members:
    Brunei Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand VietNam

    President Obama of course wasn't there, and he skipped the recent ASEAN Summit, but China was there too. Japan? Nobody in Asia likes them, for good reason.


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