Thursday, November 21, 2013

The US Army and SOCOM will atrophy because of Afghanistan mission.

via Reuters.
"We want this pact in order to move out of this unsteady situation. If the foreigners leave unhappy, it will be very dangerous for us," Karzai told the gathering.
Up to 15,000 foreign troops could remain in Afghanistan after 2014 if the pact is signed.
The United States and Afghanistan have spent much of the past year wrangling over the agreement, but ultimately the United States won concessions on several areas of contention.
Along with immunity from Afghan law for its troops, these included a request to allow U.S. forces searching for militants into Afghan homes, which outrages Afghans and which Karzai has long opposed because of the anger it causes.
"American forces for military operations will enter Afghan homes only in exceptional and extraordinary cases ... only in circumstances where there is a serious threat against American troops," Karzai said.
This is about the worse news that the Army and SOCOM could get.

An agreement to spend another 10 years in Afghanistan?  The Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force will be working toward modernizing their forces.

The Army and SOCOM will be fighting to support the COIN operation that was lost when it turned into a civil war (I wonder why that isn't clearly spelled out...supporting a govt from outside forces is one thing, but when the population turns against its own govt then the war is lost and its an internal matter).

The Army is gonna be screwed and it has the State Dept and President to blame.  A lingering war that no one is interested in and you got picked to fight it?

Yeah.  The Army is getting proper fucked. 


  1. Looks like President Karzai just put the BSA on hold. (But he changes by the minute.)

  2. This is not just the US army, but the entire staff at NATO thats being butt raped.... with no lubrication....


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