Tuesday, December 17, 2013

4000 Capt/Major to get pink slips.

via Army Times.
Almost 19,000 captains and majors will be screened by separation and early retirement boards this spring as part of the ongoing drawdown of the active-duty Army.
The Officer Separation Board and Enhanced Selective Early Retirement Board could select up to 20 percent of the considered population for separation from the Army — that’s about 3,800 people. However, not everyone in the group will have enough time in service to qualify for a 15-year retirement.
Officers subject to these boards are Army Competitive Category captains in year groups 2006 to 2008 and majors in year groups 1999 to 2003. Eligible officers must have at least one year active-duty time in grade and not be on a promotion list to the next rank.
“The Army’s drawdown plan is a balanced approach while maintaining readiness and reducing turbulence to the officer corps,” said David Martino, director of the Officer Personnel Management Directorate at Human Resources Command.
Read it all here.

A few things.  It always irked me that a civilian had any hand in the military's selection and retention system.  Next, even if a person survives this first cut there will be others.  Last.  If you even suspect that you're on the margins then an early out bonus (if they're still offered) might be something to consider.

The Army is getting raped and as usual, Capt/Major---SSgt/GySgt, are where they're going to look first.

Unfortunately those are also the ranks that actually contain the experts in their field.

This is going to be nasty.


  1. I got my electronic notification via email traffic. Getting my deployment stripes sewn on to update my official photo for the board. It is funny that in the last six months I've been notified, via email, that my packet will go before a promotion board and a separation board. Wish me luck.

    1. you know I'm wishing you the best....but WTF! how do you appear before before a promotion and separation board in the same calendar year? the article indicated that people in your situation wouldn't be facing even the possibility of separation. what gives?

    2. The promotion board was my Below the Zone look at Major. Only 5% of a year group is supposed to get promoted to Major at the BZ look. All those super studs who made their BZ look are exempt from the Officer Separation Board. Those of us who were told to put in a packet back in October for the Majors board, and now told to square our packet away for the OSB have been quietly informed that we weren't part of the 5% who got picked up for promotion.

      It is funny, the Promotion Board doesn't get to look at the restricted files (Lieutenant evals, etc) but the Separation board does. So in theory someone could have screwed up royally as an LT (DUI, letter of reprimand, Article 15), but got his act together as a CPT and got three "Above Center of Mass" ratings and chosen for BZ Major promotion, and his records won't be looked at while his peers restricted files will. My restricted file only contains my old enlisted NCO evaluation reports, so I should be in good standing for retention.

      Either way, I'm getting that DA photo updated, because if I survive this purge I still have a promotion board next year in my Primary Zone look for Major.

    3. just plain wow. a mustang and having to fight to hang on. its a damn shame. i hope you have a good presenter and not some sorry ass bastard just skating by. i thought the Marines was dog eat dog but this is just plain brutal. you're gonna win i can feel it but i bet a bunch of good guys get hammered.

  2. They must be using the Up or out policy

  3. How many Generals are being shown the exit? The Army gets smaller but retains the same number of flag officers? Management doesn't lay itself off.

    The saddest, most tragic thing is that you could take from those 4000 officers, ask them to create an Army from the ground up, organized and equipped with OTS weapons/vehicles off their own choosing, they could design a force that would be a world beater. Unencumbered by brown-nosing, outdated traditions, misplaced branch loyalties, they could be the salvation of the Army instead of the cast-offs.

  4. Makes sense to me, get rid of all the captains and majors that have all the recent war experience and keep all the old fart generals that are going to transition to LMT or GD after they retire.....

  5. That's why I'm no longer a CPT and currently a grad student. I got lucky. My COL called me in his office and gave me a no bullshit look into the future and reminded me that, while a solid officer, my balls were on the chopping block. Took severance after being non selected for promotion and am enjoying the life (and a pretty sweet beard) as a student using my post 9-11 GI Bill. Loved the Army and loved the mission but, when it comes down to it, I couldn't stand being responsible for the lives of a recon troop in Iraq, calling in airstrikes and meeting with heavy gov't officials for negotiations to being barely trusted. I'm talking midnight calls from CQ b/c the CSM said my vehicle line was missing a drip pan and a 3 page risk assessment for PT. Not trying to cry but honestly, what's the point of staying in and becoming a staff officer only to find out in a year or two of S3 shop BS that you're getting the boot with little word?

    1. yeah i hear ya. and the bullshit sounds like nothing but a serious pain in the ass, but admit that (well i guess you did) you loved the lifestyle and missed parts of it.

      i don't blame anyone either deciding to get out or fighting to stay in...as long as they take a sober and serious look at where they stand from the Army's point of view, not their own. you made a decision and it sounds rock solid for you. who i'm worried about are those guys that want to stay, have a solid combat record, did their jobs but get chosen for the boot.

      the army is going to have a hard time recovering from the bitterness thats about to fall on it. 50,000 axed troops and if half feel bitter because of it then you're not going to be able to advertise enough to make up for the word of mouth thats going to be floating around.


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