Wednesday, December 25, 2013

China's B-2. They copy and modify again.

Thanks for the pics Nico!

Above you see China's New Years gift to the Pentagon. The hits keep coming.


  1. Quick recap of history of J10, even the Chinese "admit" they got some info from LAVI project and the project has going since the early 80s!

    This is the new space center that has stated to pop up on Google Earth images, been in construction since 2007, looks like their future launches will be from this site, especially the heavy lunar, space shuttle, deep space missions....

    1. The LAVI was supposed to be a joint-development program for an F-16 class fighter between China and Isreal. The US pressured Israel to terminate the program because they feared that its own F-16 technology could get transferred into Chinese hands. Which it did, of course. However, it is disingenuous to simply say that the Chinese "admit" they got some info. Of course they got some info, they contributed both in engineering resources and cash. They were partners.

    2. the LAVI was originally an ALL ISRAELI project. the Israeli's canceled it for costs reasons and the Chinese THEN showed interests in it.

    3. I have no clue where you got your info, bro, USA was a major backer financially in the program, not China!

      China was never a partner in the program, it is still open to debate if China did get some transfer, the chef designer still to this day denies it. Most observers think that China did get some help.

    4. Sol and Nico, you were right and I was wrong. Sorry making an ass of myself.

    5. no you didn't. hang around long enough and you'll see me make plenty on the blog.

    6. I was kind of hoping you were a Chinese government troll Fake Volleyballer! Too bad, stick around! Everyone is pretty cool here...

  2. If this is real......

    The Pentagon must be going ballistic.

    We already know that some Northrup guy who worked on the B-2's engine IR signature masking system sol secrets to the Chinese, and got 2 years of jail time....

    1. yeah. which is why i say dump the F-35 now. save the tech and start working on a new generation pure fighter for the USAF, interceptor for the Navy and if the price is right and it doesn't kill the budget then keep the F-35 going....IF the price is right. but that could apply to the other services but even Thompson said the price wouldn't be right for a decade.

    2. Actually 2 + 30 years for Noshir Gowadia in prison.

  3. Let them pour their money into this, those cost a fortune. I hardly consider it a relevant technology to tomorrow anyway. I've known they were trying to do this for years.
    The B-2 is a dated platform based on a dated concept. The dynamic of modern warfare is different now.

    1. True, but then again the SPAD was still used in all jet military during Vietnam.

  4. more pics--

  5. Is that an UCAV or a manned bomber? It looks like you can see the windows of the cockpit ,so i will assume it is manned.
    The FB-22 and the LRS-B are more needed than ever.
    And i bet that someone regrets deleting the IRST from the F-22...
    New build F-22s(with side looking AESA ,IRST and HMD) that dont go Rickson Gracie on their pilots and new build F-15 are more needed than the F-35...

  6. The 2 pics Don put on are CGI. The one that I forwarded Solomon, I have run it thru a Photoshopping program now to find out more info from the image, it could be legit. I am not an expert on Photoshopping so we will have to wait and see if we get more pics.

    The Chinese seem to like to show the world projects around the end of the year, one or 2 fuzzy pics than (HOPEFULLY, if REAL!) we should be getting some more pics in the coming months.

    1. not that i doubted you Nico but i checked as well. i also did a web search of the Chinese fanboy and watcher sites and everyone says that a new bomber is suppose to show up next year. additionally this would follow common chinese practice. fuzzy pics released to fan sites and then later clearer ones and then finally an announcement to the world by their military .

    2. Chinese seem to have established a nice pattern of how they reveal stuff.I can't wait to get more pictures on this bomber and the rumored quad rotor helicopter a la V22.

    3. The original creator admitted this was a PS from a few years back. Read post #14 from this forum. Notice the watermark in the right hand corner of the photo.


    5. Like I said, I'm not an expert at PS, I ran it thru the one program I have to find "Photoshopping" effects and it looked clean to me. I check a few daily Chinese websites and usually they are pretty good with images, this one seemed legit, my bad if I gave you guys a bad image.

    6. i actually followed your link and they're discussing it with some speculating that it might be photoshop. hardly definitive.

    7. i won't stand up and say YES this is real but its close enough from the little info i got. if it turns out to be false then i'll say it. until definitive proof is given, this post stays up.

  7. Most likely a gift from the Pentagon on orders from POTUS and John F'n Kerry.

  8. B-2 is already outdated, created as stealth bomber, ended as manned low level cruise missile. But B-2 like project will push Chinese scince futher. Go go China! US need worthy global competitor to stabilize world economy.

  9. I look foward to seeing them on a manned lunar landing good luck to them as we have screwd it on the whole and never gone back


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