Tuesday, December 24, 2013

CRH-60. ParaRescue gets their bird.

Thanks for the article Jonathan.

via Fool.com
December 24, 2013
The Department of Defense announced 24 new defense contracts Monday, with a combined value of $1.66 billion. The biggest of these awards, by a large margin, was the $724 million contract modification that United Technologies subsidiary Sikorsky Aircraft Corp just landed.
Accounting for nearly 44% of all funds on offer Monday, Sikorsky's contract hires the company to supply the DoD with 33 UH-60M Black Hawk transport helicopters and 24 HH-60M combat search-and-rescue helicopters, plus associated program management, systems engineering, provisioning, and logistics services. These funds cover planned purchases of third lot-year helicopters under the underlying contract, and also contribute funds in advance for lot-years four and five (which may be applied to termination fees if those outlying years' helicopters are ultimately not bought).
Delivery of this year's lot of helos is due by June 30, 2015.
That was a real short campaign by the PJ's and Sikorsky.  They got their helicopters.

Was all the fuss they raised really necessary?


  1. The HH-60M is not the next Air Force rescue helicopter. It's the current Army medical helicopter that has been in production for a few years now.

    1. Sikorsky appears to disagree with you.


      And do not be fooled by Fool.com NOTHING in the contract list Combat Search and Rescue:


      When you have the real source use it. That is why we ask you for links when none are provided.

  2. The first "H" (modified mission symbol) in HH-60M identifies the aircraft as search and rescue. The "M" follows "L" in the series sequence, and does not stand for "Medical" per se. Just a happy coincidence.

  3. CRH is not a mission design series. CRH is being used as the actual helicopter being purchased is still to be determined.

    The Combat Rescue Helicopter (CRH) Program, formerly referred to as the HH-60 Recapitalization, will replace the aging HH-60G.


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