Saturday, December 14, 2013

Democrat revisionist history on why the background check bill failed.

I've been channel surfing all day.  There isn't a thing on and the Army-Navy game bores me.

Well I happened across MSNBC and heard a discussion on the "Disrupt" news show and they were lamenting the fact that a background check bill couldn't be passed.

They emphasized the background check bill over and over and how it was favored by a majority of the American people.

But they're forgetting something important.

When the President and his Congressional allies rolled out gun control it was with a view of reinstating the assault weapons ban, limits on the size of weapon magazines and a ATF database (I refuse to refer to them as BATFE...thats a re-branding to separate the "new" agency from its bad history...gun guys need to stop calling them BATFE too, it just helps their agenda).

It was another case of the Democrats over reaching.

If they had started and stopped with a background check bill then they would have carried the day.  But they didn't.  Feinstein and her crew got greedy and then got bit.

Long story short?  The gun control freaks are either lying or they're spinning like a fat lady at the gym.