Friday, December 20, 2013

Did Nexter ask the question that the defense industry wants answered?

Thanks for the article Jonathan!

Nexter lamented the time and money it spent on the cancelled bid.
"Nexter has invested a great amount of time, energy and resources in the CCV program over the past four years," company executive Patrick Lier said in a news release.
"Millions of dollars have been spent because we believed the competition would be fair, open and provide a rigorous assessment of the candidate vehicles with a view to acquiring the best possible medium weight infantry fighting vehicle for Canada."
Nexter also said it wants the Canadian government to compensate it for the cost of its bid.
"It would be our expectation that the government would compensate industry bidders for the cost of their bids," he said.
"No company can afford to make such considerable investments only to have the process produce no result."
Read the entire article here, but its regarding the canceled Canadian Close Combat Vehicle Competition.

Time for a little truth telling.

When the Marine Corps finally nutted up and admitted that the Marine Personnel Carrier was going to be "delayed" I went ballistic.  But more importantly I expected the manufacturers to be pissed.  I wrote expecting some fire and brimstone but got nothing.  It was all diplomatic talk about how they looked forward to working with the Marine Corps on future politics.

Who would have thought that it would take some fucking Frenchmen to have the balls to say what needed to be said.

The USMC has been jerking industry around on the Amphibious Combat Vehicle, the Marine Personnel Carrier and the AAV Upgrade for the last 3 plus years.  It would be nice if industry got the balls to call them on it....they won't but it would be nice if they did.  Nexter did what the entire Defense Industry wants to do....hold government responsible for their part of the dysfunctional procurement process.