Friday, December 06, 2013

F-35 quote of the day. Navy vs. SecDef.

via AOL Breaking Defense.
“A lot of it will come down to Navy vs. OSD [the Office of the Secretary of Defense],” saidRichard Aboulafia, a leading aviation industry analyst with the Teal Group. “OSD groans at the very possibility of more of these airplanes, because it undercuts the case for F-35″
The Navy IS breaking ranks and is going for more Advanced Super Hornets.

The F-35 IS costing more than expected and "creative" accounting won't keep that secret for much longer.

The death spiral IS here.

The only thing that keeps the cuts from coming now is the question of how.  How do you unwind this twisted knot of production agreements, jobs promises etc...once they figure that out, this program is DRT.  Dead Right There.


  1. To quote a good friend, "What we have here is a conflict of interests..."

  2. Solomon, the Navy hasn't ORDERED 1 single ASH .

    Wait until they do

    And ZERO US F-35 orders have been cut. No Death spiral.

    Besides, the USN doesn't want the Super going up against planes a generation more advanced.

  3. Interesting theory since the F-35 won't be able to handle advance threats either. Also for the Navy, 12 years after contract award for the JSF and there is no proof that the F-35C will be able to consistently trap aboard a carrier. That and all the other faulty systems on the aircraft. As for cuts.... well, cuts by any other name vs. the original plan. This is real...lost .... money....

  4. Dude, Check ELP's blog right now. It looks like Chuck Hagel is backed into a corner on the JSF. Don't know how this will affect the F/A-18E/F vs F-35C fight yet, but I'm excited.

  5. Check out live leak's video of the Third Marine aircraft wing band playing Gangnam style.
    Guess the lyrics didn't get past the Prop, rotor and jet noise.

    Kill those F*CKING Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
    Kill those F*CKING Yankees who ordered them to torture
    Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers
    Kill them all slowly and painfully


  6. The people in the government that are against defense funding so they can fund frivolous garbage will try to starve the military into a delirium until they don't even know what they really want anymore. And the losers who cant compete with america's cutting edge will sell, sell, sell at your expense.

    The advanced super hornet can't survive air to air combat without the protection of the F-35 which still isn't a F-22. The US government can afford to buy the aircraft needed to defend ourselves. We need to dig in our heels and get this 5th generation fighter out of these fags. The PAK-FA and J-20 are coming, we need a credible defense and 4.5 generation fighters cant deliver it


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