Thursday, December 26, 2013

Glock 42. Wrong caliber. Wrong capacity. Wrong gun.

Photo and article via Moderno.
In the past few weeks the forums and gun blogs have been buzzing with talk of two new Glock pistols to be announced next month (January), presumably at SHOT Show: the Glock 41 and 42. It looks like we now know what the Glock 42 is thanks to leaked images – a single-stack .380.
Honestly I’m shocked it took this long to leak – Glock really did a good job keeping this under wraps so long. The photos look to be the cover and article insert from a gun magazine (I’m guessing Guns & Ammo) and appear to be the real deal.
Read it all here.

This is the wrong gun on so many levels.  First the caliber.  380?  Are you kidding me?  That has no stopping power and would depend on bullet placement alone to take down an attacker.  Most experts recommend 9mm at a minimum and I believe them.  That was Glocks first mistake.

The next is the capacity of the gun.  6 shots?  Pathetic.  The reason why 9mm is so popular is because it allows the carriage of a large (relatively) number of rounds to be carried.  This defeats that.  The same can be said of the S&W Shield.  It might be popular (single stacks) but that don't make it right.

My last point is simply this.  Does anyone that takes self defense seriously really buy into these baby weapons?  If you're even partially paying attention to the news and to crime then its obvious that in this day and age the threat of multiple attackers is a concern.  The knock out game.  Home invasions.  You're lucky if you're only facing two bad guys.

This is the wrong gun.

I have no hope for the Glock 41 either. 


  1. At first it seems so as Walther PPS is chambered in 9x19 and 40s&w also with 6round mag,but this if data is correct ,its even smaller and slimer than PPS so i reckon it just couldn't handle the 9x19. So its aiming for a niche market of pocket pistols and a .38ACP is better than no gun for point blank use

    1. yeah but thats what kills me about the civilian training market. they will teach target engagement time after time after time. there is so much more to it than that. shooting the person is at the end of the decision making loop. you have to first identify the threat, decide whether this person(s) warrants a deadly force response, decide if you can retreat or if you have to stand your ground, draw the weapon, aim, fire, identify shot placement, determine if the person(s) still posess a threat, reengage if necessary, all while making sure that your background is clear, ready to call police to report and defend your actions and thats if its just one person.

      a pocket pistol is a gun designed to ensure that the bad guy is only injured not best.

    2. Handguns even stronger calibers don't kill as effectively as people believe ,if you look at this conference presentation by ER doctors for 6 out of 7 gunshot victims survive

  2. These criticisms may or may not be true but the same can be said for just about any 380. Also, for summer carry in a light t-shirt and shorts, I'm happy to have a 380 pocket pistol when I can't carry anything else. It's a compromise to be sure but I'd rather have it available from Glock than not because so many of the 380s out there have terrible triggers, poor reliability, etc. I'm excited to see some in-depth reviews on this.

    1. just for debate Alex. even in summer time does it make sense to dress so that you can carry the appropriate gun or get the gun so that you can dress in a desired manner? my take is that the responsibility requires that you need to be prepared to defend yourself. that means that no matter what you leave the shorts at home, you wear a decent belt, you appendix carry and you wear an oxford so that you can conceal carry a proper handgun. if that means that your t-shirt is out then get a heavier weight t-shirt or do what it takes, but if you down gun you're asking for trouble.

  3. They are surfing the .380/pocket pistol wave and are tired of missing out on the market share and that's all it is. S&W, Beretta, Ruger, SIG Sauer, Taurus, Walther, Kel-Tec, Bersa, Diamondback, are selling hundreds of thousands collectively of these pocket pistols and Glock wants it share, too.

    I don't get it myself, but people want the option. A lot of husbands/BF trying to steer their women to a cute little pistol because in their minds, women can't handle larger calibers which is sexist bullshit. And it neglected the fact that tiny little pistols have smaller grips and are difficult to control even in .380acp.

    others just want don't want something heavy/bulky, which to me is lazy. If you are carrying, it's life and death, right? comfort takes a backseat to function.

  4. I wonder if this is a weapon meant to slip under laws like in New York, with a mag limit of seven rounds. Either way this is really disappointing, I was hoping for s single-stack in 9mm. Kind of a thinner G26 if you will. But, hey maybe this is Glock's opening entry into the single-stack market, with other calibers to follow.

  5. My wife can handle the 9mm, but she is 5'1 95lbs and has a 24in waist with child size hands. A Walther PPS looks like a duty size pistol in her hands. I got the PPS for her for carry, but its hard for her to hide it well enough. I was looking at a Ruger LCP for her during the summer months, because wearing a thin jacket in 110 heat to hide the PPS screams " I have a gun." I would much rather get her a Glock than the Ruger. So for some, size issues need to be taken into consideration.

    As to the point that comfort takes a back seat. While I believe in having more rounds and a longer sight radius some will not sacrifice comfort for this. So without the new mini pistols some would chose not to carry.

    I can get away with "printing", but I alas have different rules than someone with a chl. My wife would probably be given the same courtesy, but why risk it.

    Now if your a decent size male and can hide a G26 or 19 on your hip and can throw this in your pocket hey 2 is better than 1.

    I wouldn't use it as a stand alone, but if thats all some people feel comfortable with or due to size can hide then at least there is going to be a more reliable choice out there.

  6. Oh forgot to mention the mini 380s are about the same size as old .22/.25/.32 pistols and some of the single stack 9mm are the size of old 380s. So in that context you are gaining much more power to size/weight.

  7. On another forum I once joked that 99% of all self-defense shoot outs seem to involve a grandma or a maiden aunt popping off a few rounds of .38spl from a S&W J frame. And so perhaps if it is good enough for grandma it is good enough for all of us. But I then went onto to say if I was able to carry (or had to carry) you can bet I wouldn't be leaving the house with anything other than something in at least .40 with double stack magazines......

    I think the idea with the S&W Shield is you carry four or five in a bandolier and as you empty them you throw the gun away. :)

  8. My personal go to defense weapon is a Colt Lawman Mk III .357 magnum 2" barrel six shots with a speedloader.
    I have a secondary go to weapon that is the wife's S&W M-640 .38 spl 2" barrel five shots.
    I usually go for the little five shot firstest because it's easy to drop in a pocket, can shoot from the pocket and being Stainless won't rust. I rarely need an Rifleman's basic ammo loadout.
    All in all I'd take the Glock 42 but I want mine in 7.62 x 25 Tokarev a known penetration round. And for small size pistols that's the key not overblast and hollow point.
    My Dear old Aunt Mary carried her personal choice for self defense a Galesci Brescia .25 ACP The one time she almost used it I saw her tactics, let the perp get close and screw that little Italian bass turd deep in the assailants ear and hold it there, do ya feel lucky punk?
    He didn't and walked away wiser with his brains intact.

  9. Should have been a 9mm, plain and simple.

  10. For those who say .380 is not powerful enough, you're full of it. 380's have been known to kill with a single shot. Some 380 ammo in +P is just as strong as some 9mm ammo, and will do the job just fine. A judge in the US used a 380 to stop a home intruder, and with a single shot took him down and killed him. Shot placement is much more important than caliber. In another incident, a guy with a .45 attacked someone, and the victim was armed with a 22 magnum. The guy with the 45 hit the victim 5 times in various places, but he survived. The victim fired back with a 22, and with a single shot to the head, killed him! People who argue one caliber is better than another, is obviously trying to compensate for their teeny weeny.....

    1. no Greg you're full of it. i can pull stories out of my behind that say that you can successfully defend yourself with a slingshot but does that mean you're going to do it or are you going to get the best weapon for the job?

      you're gonna get the best weapon. additionally there are too many variables to take into account to even verify whether your stories are true or not. is the bad guy wearing a winter jacket? is he on drugs? does he have combat training/experience? lastly, anyone that is hollering shot placement is a fool.

      dynamic gun battles mean that the chances for a "head shot" are fleeting...AT BEST. there is a reason why center mass is taught. the head moves around alot,. in some people its can be angular. talking about your examples one last time. i can list incident after incident of bullets bouncing off peoples heads.

      if anyone is compensating its you. you want to pass along knowledge that you don't have.

  11. Solomon, first of all I want to tell you that my opinion is that at .380 is better than nothing and since most people find the average 9mm, .40 or .45 very uncomfortable to carry, they usually don't carry. Give Glock a little credit, at least from a business standpoint they are catering to a market that is hungry for a reliable carry gun that is reasonably priced. It seems that some people are so "anti Glock" and "anti .380" that they can't see the forrest for the trees. Yes, I agree that an aggressor wacked out on meth would not be stopped by a .380 to the arm, but that's typically not the real life scenario. You would be hard pressed to find a volunteer that would be willing to take a few hits from a .380

    1. @Ray.

      ok. but understand that i'm a glock fan. i have the 26, 19 and 17. i carry a 2 everyday and use adapters to that 19 mags fit the 26 (yeah, multiple attackers and not fired up with just 10 rounds). but my bigger point is that if a glock 26 is too uncomfortable for carry then perhaps you shouldn't be carrying.

      yes i am anti 380. i might not find a volunteer to take a few hits from a 380 but i'd bet that if you had no choice but to choose between a 380 and a 9mm, most if not all of them would take a 380 first.

      i'm about the gun community but i'm starting to see stark commercialism creeping into the market. when do we as gun guys stand up and say that's bullshit. that's a lousy idea and it makes no sense? instead we're seeing every idea that hits the market as a must have. its time to stop the nonsense and give the gun community and people new to it the real deal facts instead of cheerleading everything that the industry is trying to shove down our throats.

  12. I think its fake. Glock doesn't use tenifer anymore

  13. I wear cutoff khaki shorts, sandals, and a t-shirt in the summertime. If I was going to have a pistol around its got to be a full size 9mm with a high cap clip. I'm good with keeping it at home or in the car or backpack or whatever. But if I really need to carry it on me, screw the pocket pistol lol, Carry the full size pistol regardless of if some one sees it or not and put the carbine in the car and throw a sleeping bag over it.

  14. Sorry Solomon, but you've made some ridiculous statements here that truly deflate your credibility for me. "I have no hope for the Glock 41 either"; has ZERO to do with reviewing a G42, and based on the popularity of the G34/35s, the statement borders on moronic. "no matter what you leave the shorts at home......and you wear an oxford so that you can conceal carry a proper handgun"; You can say that with a straight face? "i have the 26, 19 and 17"; You're bashing the .380, but all you carry are 9s? Uh...yea... Kill statistics, if available, between .380 and 9mm probably wouldn't be all that different. If you're so hell bent on firepower, you should carry some bigger fire, Marine. M. Ayoob's video review (albeit paid) at least addressed the reasons why someone Would carry the G42, not the least of which is grip size & recoil. 9s may not bother you or I to shoot, but I can say hands down it more than bothers my 72 yr old arthritic Father when trying to shoot his G19. Trading in his 19 for the 42 would be the difference between being able to shoot if the time came, and not being able to even carry anything at all....

    1. you're not making any sense. perhaps you need to clarify it for me but let me reiterate my position. the oxford comment is that you can easily dress to conceal a firearm. its not hard, will not require an overhaul of anyones wardrobe and should be a consideration if you're a serious concealed carry holder. as far as firepower is concerned, the 9mm is a proven. its functional and reliable. the same can't be said for the .380 or 9mm short. tell me something. what major police or military force issues a .380 as its primary sidearm? you can't because no one does. Ayoob is credible and i like him but even the greats can be wrong and he is if he's endorsing a .380 as a primary concealed weapon.

      Colonel Cooper is the guiding light on these issues (and even he was wrong on some things in my opinion). concealed carry should be comforting, not comfortable.

  15. .380 Glock -- more easy to control when firing from one hand.

  16. I like Glock guns. Glocks are pretty decent. In my experience they do shoot well after being broken. It is light weight and durable. Accuracy and dependability rank high among it's quality.
    MA firearms license.


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