Thursday, December 19, 2013

If Air/Sea Battle was serious....

If Air/Sea Battle was a serious concept and actually sought to procure equipment to match the concept then what would the Pentagon be buying?  This is my take....

Frigates instead of LCS...
The USN says that its gearing up to "take back" the Pacific.  My words, but you get the idea.  The LCS is the wrong ship, for a time thats past, that never was a good idea in the first place.  Think about this.  The LCS was originally conceived as the answer to Iranian small boat swarms...but those swarms were really never that big a threat anyway.  One Cobra or armed SeaHawk could make mince meat of a swarm in minutes.  Once that became widely known the next thing was to fight pirates...but any ship could handle that task so the idea that we had to build an entire class to deal with that problem became apparent.  The latest excuse for the travesty that is the LCS?  Partnership missions.  Only know we find that our "partners" have better ships than the LCS will ever be.  So why does this pitiful ship continue?  Because leadership can't admit that they made a mistake.  We need "new" Oliver Perry's but instead get glorified speedboats.  If the Navy was serious about ASB then this would be fixed ricky tick quick.

F-23 instead of F-35...
If the USAF was actually serious about ASB they would be putting the F-23 into service with F-35 avionics like yesterday.  Distance.  The tyranny of distance.  I don't know but its always been said that the F-23 had better range and a much lower radar cross section than the F-22.  This should be simple because we'd be buying the shell and filling its guts with what should be off the shelf materials.  The USAF will never admit it but the F-22 is too short legged to be the difference maker we need in the Pacific theater.

FB-22 now instead of Next Gen Bomber later...
Under my plan we'd be taking in F-23's to fill the F-22 role and the F-22's would be modded to become FB-22's.  Everyone talks about high density/tech air defenses but they don't have a medium bomber on the agenda that can fight the battle at the edge of the battle space and then deeper.  That's the territory of the Strike Eagle, well its time to get a replacement for that particular role going now.  If they were serious they would be designing the bits to go inside the FB-22 now.

Marine Personnel Carrier now instead of Upgraded AAV...
If you're going to chop the Marine Corps down to a rumored 150,000 men then you better do your best to keep them alive.  I like the AAV, I think the AAV has served us well but its time for a replacement.  We have the BAE SuperAV ready to go now.  Buy it if you want to save some Marine lives.

X-47 becomes the joint attack airplane program...
If Congress had a brain they would stay in their lane.  Pushing for a joint fighter/attack airplane program was a step too far.  Manned aircraft operating in different mission profiles is just too hard.  But for a single mission profile?  Recon and attack?  Unmanned?  Yeah.  This is the one that Congress should have pushed for in a joint program.  The X-47 should be shoved down the throat of the Navy, Air Force, Marines AND Army.  Weaponize it to the gills, or set it up as a pure surveillance platform is up to the individual services but they will fly it.  A turn to the Pacific demands responsive support at the division level.  If the fleet air defense or deep strike mission is going on then the ground forces will have an unmanned air support platform that isn't perfect but still able to fly in a high threat area and drop ordnance where needed.

Next gen anti-ship missile development...
The Navy is working on this but they need to put it into overdrive.  Its beyond time to get this done.  The USN is almost unique in not having a credible, deadly antiship missile in its arsenal.  Time to reverse that.

Next Generation Ro/Ro Ship...
The USN has a great secret that hasn't been utilized...well its time to put all the cards on the table.  We need to start using the entire Army, not just the Stryker Brigades.  We don't need to be fancy in highlighting quick reaction if quick reaction doesn't have teeth.  Land a Stryker Brigade without proper support and you'll see them fight hard, hold ground but then get run over when attrition takes its toll.  Instead lets get the Marines, Airborne, Stryker and then a Heavy Brigade to the scene and win the battle and then the war.  We need to put our Heavy Brigades back into play by developing the next gen Ro/Ro ships.  And we need to do exercises NOW, utilizing current gen ships,  where we deploy Heavy Brigades to the Pacific to fall in with their gear.

This is my take on things if we were actually serious about Air Sea Battle.  Whats yours?

UPDATE:  One addition--Reforger for the Pacific (an idea by Paralus)
Paralus suggested a REFORGER for the Pacific and I heartily agree.  A yearly exercise that would have the US surge forces into the Pacific to test our rapid reaction capability would be welcomed by our allies and would put China on notice.  Click here to read a wiki article on the past exercises to Germany.