I've been following the story of the Indian Diplomat that was arrested for basically engaging in slave labor with her housekeeper.
I could see a formal protest from that country, but instead we have massive protests in the streets, accusations that our law enforcement engaged in gang rape in their treatment of her etc...
To which I say really? Seriously? India! You can't be serious!
You have China which violates your border almost daily. You have Pakistan that kills and beheads your soldiers along the Line Of Control on about a quarterly basis.....
And then you have us. Americans. Not perfect friends but the hand is out and this is your reaction?
I love ya India but if you're gonna be a world player then its time to grow up.
Update: Keith requested links to some of the stories covering the protests. I'm posting just a FEW below. As an additional sidenote. Let me add that this arrest was handled by the US Marshals Service. Quite honestly I list them as being the top dogs when it comes to kicking in doors. By that I mean professional. No cowboys but they are hardcore. This diplomat was handled by the book if they did the job...plus you have to know that the US District Attorney was breathing down their neck every step of the way. There is no way in hell this woman was mistreated.