Tuesday, December 24, 2013

NSFW!!!! DSHK headshot gif via TacBlog.

Description from TacBlog.
This ladies and gentlemen is our enemy. They cannot be reasoned with, negotiated with, or be coexisted with. They do not want to live in peace with you or your family or our country. They want you, your family, our country, and anyone that’s not a Wahhabi to die in the most painful way possible.
They understand one thing and one thing only. FORCE and STRENGTH.


  1. Definition of overkill.

    One way is to execute enemy or anything with shoot in the head, but with fraking 12.7 mm ?! that's just sick.

  2. All thanks to great friends and 'allies' the Saudis greatest exporters of terrorists and sick ideas ,but its all ok as long as oil money keeps going around.

  3. Quick and painless death.

    But posting pics of islamist barbarism is just strange. I like to see drones killing islamists more.

  4. I personally am surprised the gunner didn't let go with a whole belt of rounds like they do with AK's and PKM's and hell just about every other gun used in these killings.

  5. And Obama wants to arm these war criminals?
    Murder prisoners with FGM-148s?

  6. Yeah that loop is pretty frigging graphic. This war criminal really deserves a DIME charge. Sol plz make a couple more post so we don't have to watch this loop as much I've seen the victims head explode at least 20 times now.

  7. Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

  8. Snuff-flicks are all good and well.
    But yer giving away the plot in a much too short preview...


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