Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Royal Marines in for a tough year via UK Armed Forces Commentary

via UKAFC.
From the outside, the picture for the Royal Marines is unpleasant to say the least: all their main projects appear to have been killed; one Bay LSD has been sold off; one LPD is in mothball and HMS Ocean is to be withdrawn from service in 2019 without a replacement.
848 NAS will disband at the end of the year, having concluded the last training course for Sea King HC4 crews on December 19. 846 NAS has been disbanded already in March, leaving the sole 845 with just 11 Sea Kings. 846 NAS will reform on Merlin HC3/3A in September 2014, with 845 NAS following in August 2015.
It is not expected to reform 848 NAS: 845 will instead include an Operational Conversion Flight. The whole force will include 37 crews and 25 helicopters, unless there are further reductions.
Actually adapting the Merlin for shipboard operations will be a slow affair. The first navalised Merlin is not expected before 2017, and the last won't be around before 2022. For several years, the amphibious force will be extraordinarily poor in dedicate helicopter support.
Read it all here.

Gabrielle does a good job of covering the entire UK military, but the look at the Royal Marines was particularly interesting.  A commando force in nature, things look bleak for those boys.  I look forward to further details. 


  1. It's a sad thing when such battle hardened unit with long and glorious service history are cut to pieces.

  2. Yeah whenever you think things are rough in the US political climate for the military just take a look at the UK. The UK has got issues, their having a period of austerity after the war just like us and to make matters worse they need to recapitalize their entire submarine fleet. Which is especially acute when you're a nation of their size.


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