Monday, December 16, 2013

The "NEW" Marine Corps via Terminal Lance.

The above pic is from Terminal Lance's website.  All I have to say is WHAT THE FUCK!  Holy Mother of God, are you shitting me!

And then I thought a second and realized...this is Amos' Marine Corps.  Rainbows, Bronies and Unicorns all around.


  1. Replies
    1. i wish this was Disney. Jesus weep and so do i.

    2. Sol you have a better knowledge about this stuff, there is a paragraph in Corps regulations about uniform disgrace ? Because I think this is a disgrace to the uniform.

    3. all this was once covered under the catch all "conduct unbecoming" even if it didn't have an exact reg you could point to.

      however it appears that this KINDER, GENTLER, MORE POLITICALLY CORRECT Marine Corps is the way its gonna be.

      i saw this coming when the Marine Corps did nothing when all the dance videos came out with Marines lip syncing to various songs...when Marines started asking celebrities out to the Birthday Ball etc....Amos and company thought it was cute but even i could see the trouble ahead. many called me stale, old, not hip or whatever.

      this and other things prove i was right. or wrong if you like this image of the Marine Corps. personally this disgusts me.

    4. Pussyfication a bloody pussyfication.

    5. DEPT.: More 'Pussification' ?
      Welcome to progress in a Democracy, Gentlemen !

      Feast on this:
      "Navy Nominates First African American Woman For Fourth Star
      (December 13, 2013 by USNI News Editor)
      Vice Adm. Michelle Howard has been nominated to serve the second in command of the U.S. Navy, making her the first African American female to be nominated for the rank of admiral, the service told USNI News on Friday. Howard, if confirmed, will replace current Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO), Adm. Mark E. Ferguson...."

      Folks, 'getting with it' is the first order of the day, week, month, year, decade, century, millennium. Cudos to VAD Michelle Howard to have made it this far. And it's about time...

    6. when i posted this i knew you'd jump for joy. now do me a favor and put down your stuffed brony and hear me out.

      i personally don't give a flying fuck about that chick getting promoted. in this day and age all she's doing is joining a bunch of idiots that are doing harm to our country. if she's hardcore and will lead by example then i say yes. if she's just more of the same poitically correct idiots then i say fuck her and the rest of the clowns.

      you still don't get it. its not about sex, skin color, political affiliation or even sexuality. its about proper decorum in uniform, its about putting the Corps first and not your pet peeve, agenda etc...but thats all i'm seeing now. gays in the military? its about their sexual procilivity not their competence. the shit above? its about acting an ass in uniform and not putting forward the proper image of the Marine Corps.

      but i wouldn't expect a silly, ass kissing squid to understand all that.

    7. "Now that was good fun", said my friend Pavlov.

      Not sure what "pet peeve agenda" we'd be talking about.
      It's all a snap-shot of an undeniable reality - not an
      'optional' bit of 'taste' and whatever 'preference' du jour.

      ...'sexual proclivity.,.." Oh dear, so very Victorian, while Victorians likely had the same approximate level of incidents, just b.s.'d over by lies, denials, tortured lives and a matching legal code. Ahh, dem days... Gone for good, courtesy of St. Christopher...make that Christopher St...

      Did not I mention a while back that we'd see an African American women move upwards to top-level ranks ??

      I got the Memo about a decade ago that the term 'political correctness' had reached its expiration-date. Here is why: More and more diversity entered even the armed forces across the board, which came to prove how and why the Political Correctness dictated by some Good-ol' Boys network of myopic not-even-self-serving assumptions made sure that everyone came up short. So, now that that scam has been proven what it has always been, there is no point in bemoaning the self-distortions of yesteryear as they've clearly been proven unsustainable.

      Should society as it is, come to scare some, then it's time to gear up and get over that 'hump' alright. Political Correctness distorted society and lives for too long.
      Now that we're increasingly done with this destructive delusion, we might as well retire this somewhat 'rank' term as well...

      Next will be that Brooklyn born and raised combat-veteran with several injuries to her multi-racial body to be on track for a position amongst the JCS. Possibly to upgrade the definition of 'tough' one more tweak. We're getting there.

  2. *book
    Deadly Consequences: How Cowards are Pushing Women into Combat Hardcover
    by Robert L. Maginnis (Author)
    *comment from Amazon
    ...Maginnis pragmatically acknowledges the important role women play in our military today. However, he pulls no punches in declaring that political correctness and agendas have now placed them where they pose a danger to the success of the armed forces...and our country. This policy is potentially the "weak link" that will cause the death and failure to combat units and weaken our combat power in the near future as women cannot perform to the standards required of combat maneuver soldiers. Of course, the standards will be lowered to "prove" that they can. It has been done for decades now in what is called "gendered norming". Devoid of the emotional and shrill feminists propositions that "women can do anything men can", Maginnis cites not only U.S. military studies but those of other countries that demonstrate the folly of placing women in combat maneuver units....

  3. I support women in combat for only one reason. There isn't a lot of them. There's only about 10-15% women in the military anyway and they tend to chose the support jobs regardless of restrictions. We can silence the stupid equal rights pundits with relatively low damage. I fiercely disagree with registering women for selective service though.
    What concerns me more are these girly boy queers shown in the above photos. That's just nasty lol could you imagine being stuck in a foxhole with some queer who mentally undresses you OMG. Ut oh, hes got a little crush on you LMFAO. Or worse they put the fairies in one together and we don't even want to imagine that.

    1. Not to worry ! If you never notice them surrounding you in the past, they won't suddenly appear before thee either. You may have missed out on a lot.

  4. Umm am I the only one who read "Terminal Lance is a comic strip and website created in 2010 by Maximilian Uriarte that satirizes United States Marine Corps life"...

    I do not think he likes the Amos corps any more then you do.

    1. oh he doesn't . he hates it. i thought i was just giving him credit, not the blame for the photo. i got it from his sight and he has the same WTF reaction as i do. TL is cool. Amos is a tool.

  5. Harlan,
    It says something about the state of the military today that we could look at that and not think immediately "that's a parody." I hope it is but don't know enough to judge.
    I remember reading in Proceedings this excellent op-piece by a jr Marine officer. This was about 1988 or so, around the time the fist wave of female integration was happening. Wish I could remember the piece verbatim, but it essentially said, " I don't give a flying fuck if my Marine is black, white, purple, male or female as long as their inclusion doesn't effect the combat effectiveness of my unit. If they can do the job required of them, that is the judge. If I have to look around at my unit and figure out which extra Marine has to die so that I can accommodate a political agenda outside of combat effectiveness, I can't, nor will I abide".

    I always try to keep this guy's words in mind, even in everyday life. You can, or can't do the job. No shame. That's just life.

    1. well said James. we obviously served in the same Marine Corps and played in the same playgrounds!

  6. It looks like a bunch of gay reserve U.S. Army medical soldiers partying in MARPAT after taking LSD....

    Either that...or it's a busload of mentally retarded people on an day trip snappin' selfies at the local military surplus / mall ninja outlet.

  7. I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


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