Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ultra Hornet coming to a carrier near you?

via Aviation Week (the entire article is behind a paywall...).
As the U.S. Navy ponders future purchases of the F/A-18, it is showing growing interest in the comprehensive structures, systems and propulsion upgrade package proposed by industry earlier this year that would extend the combat life of the current fleet.
One element of Boeing's Advanced Super Hornet plan receiving close attention is large conformal fuel tanks (CFT). In flight tests, they have shown the potential for marginal drag reduction and other benefits over the unmodified aircraft, despite their size and capacity. With the ability to hold 3,500 lb. of fuel, the tanks could add 260-nm combat range to the Super Hornet and, in the case of the EA-18G Growler electronic-attack version, would extend time on station and bring-back weight.
I can't read the entire article...that pesky paywall...but even this blurb tells me something.

The USN is going to keep the Super Hornet in production by hook or crook.  Personally I'd love to hear the conversations about the SH and F-35 that are going on behind closed doors.  The public pronouncements and statements to the aviation press point to one thing.

The USN does NOT believe that the F-35 will work.

Boeing lost in Brazil but won the NAVAIR battle. 


  1. The USN will update the F/A-18 just like the DoD has upgraded EVERY plane it has ever owned. Them talking about future upgrades has nothing to do with the F-35.

    Did you watch the latest Tailhook? The USN showed strong support for the F-35 and called it "essential".

    1. How can the F-35 be essential to the Navy when it can't land on a carrier? Make it a float plane?

    2. Essential implies it does something the existing planes can't do, what exactly is that? Because it isn't defeating land based SAMs through stealth, as the F35 stealth is X-band optimized and modern SAMs use low frequency radar.

  2. I think the Advanced Super Hornet is the US Navy's back up for the potential failed F-35C.

  3. Look at the history of the F-15/16/18(classic)/22.

    They are chuck full of upgrades including airframe, avionics, radar, etc.

    This is no different.

  4. Yes the usnavy is modifying the arrest system to trap the F-35C

  5. The Super Hornet vs F-35C fight round two is still not over. Since Boeing got snubbed by Brazil because of the administration's spying I wonder if that will give them a few more talking points. There are already people blaming the Obama administration for the lost $4 billion plus dollars in work the USA would have gotten if Boeing won the contract. If the Super Hornet line closes, which currently employs more than 5,000 jobs, then that could end up being blamed on Obama's administration too now as the Brazilian order would have kept the line open and the Super Hornet was the clear favorite. I see many possibilities for the future right now and I have high hopes that the Navy will be allowed to buy more Super Hornets.


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