Excerpt from Bob Gates book.
The ‘controlling nature’ of the Obama White House and the national security staff ‘took micromanagement and operational meddling to a new level,’ Mr. Gates writes.This should put the tragedy in Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the ObamaCare debacle in a new light.
Under Mr. Obama, the national security staff was ‘filled primarily by former Hill staffers, academics and political operatives’ with little experience in managing large organizations. The national security staff became ‘increasingly operational,’ which resulted in ‘micromanagement of military matters — a combination that had proven disastrous in the past.’
If Gates is right, and from my chair it looks like he is, then the highest levels of the White House were fully aware of the issues noted. They were probably intimately aware of the situations as they developed and participated fully in the choices made.
The truth here is painfully obvious.
The White House ran the response to Benghazi. The death of an American Ambassador, former Navy SEALs and State Dept Workers can be laid at the door steps of the Commander in Chief.