Wednesday, January 08, 2014

The fight to avoid the blame begins.

via US News.
"[Obama] didn't believe in his own strategy, and doesn't consider the war to be his," Gates writes in the book. "For him, it's all about getting out."
Everyone is so focused on the politics of this thing that they can't see what the Gates book is really all about.

It's about the history of the war stupid!

Gates remembers Vietnam.  He knows how views change and how heroes today can be transformed into villains tomorrow. Gates knows that historians will not be kind to those who had their hands on the controls of the fiasco that is Iraq and Afghanistan.

He's simply getting his side of the story out first.

What should really be interesting is when the General's club finally wakes up to the fact that they're on the hook for much of the blame too.  When that happens expect some serious tell-alls from the military side of the house.

That's when this will get fun.