Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Women in the military. Pampered and coddled.

You either pack the gear to serve in the military or you don't.  If you reach a point where continued service is a detriment ... either to your personal or professional life ...then thank you for your service, next body up.

Now, check this out from Yahoo News.
Navy Cmdr. Valerie Overstreet wanted to start a family. But her job as a Navy pilot and the fact that she and her husband, also a naval officer, were stationed in different parts of the country made it complicated.

So she decided to take advantage of a fledgling Navy program that allowed her to take a year off and return to duty without risking her career or future commands.
Now, three years later, she's got a 2-year-old daughter and a 9-month old son, she's back at work at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., and her promotion to captain has been confirmed.
So what happens when Capt Schmuckatelli walks into the BN commanders office and decides he wants a year away from the Corps to go to Colorado and get his head right?

Will we give him a year off?

Does this make any damn sense?

Women better get a handle on this.  The backlash will be fierce unless they understand that they MUST play by the same rules as the guys.

Its only fair. 

NOTE:  Thanks for the article Eric.  You raised my blood pressure and added a couple of new holes to my wall....


  1. Math was never my strong side but...

    - Navy program that allowed her to take a YEAR off and return to duty without risking her carrier.

    - Now THREE YEARS later shes come back to the service.

    I don't get it...

    1. they're trying to show that she took a year off, remained in zone and is getting promoted on schedule.

      its just a bigger example of preferential bullshit that the unknowing won't be clued into. meanwhile she's probably missed some sea duty, a deployment or some other career maker ...or killer that her male counterparts had to struggle thru.

    2. But she took a year off, that Navy program give her that... one year off and after that she can come back without any problem. ONE YEAR.

      But article said that she come back after not ONE YEAR but THREE YEARS. Two children was born, in my not that perfect math one was born just after she receive that free year and second just after she was able to get pregnant again.

      Then I'm curious... Navy give her ONE year of free time and she come back after THREE without problem ? This is the same trick like some woman do in "civilian" life ? I call it a "assembly line", woman get pregnant every year, if she work in let say public administration law protect her and she cannot be fired. She receive normal salary but stay all the time in home and pop out children after children, in some time after 10 or more children she start to receive pretty good money from socials to help her...

      It's not that drastic here of course, but again she can get ONE year and when she come back after THREE years everything is ok ?! This is frak up on so many levels.

  2. Wait a minute I am confused. It is physically impossible to have two babies in 12months, and the article states that one is 2yrs old the other 9months. She is a pilot so flying is not an option during the 9months of pregnancy and I would assume not Csection at least 2months after. That is right at 12months saying the guys bullets hit in the first month. Then 1yr later she took another year off?

    Is the military one on one off for women who want to have a family but also have a career? WTF

    Not to mention in her every other year absence who is her replacement holding that slot another one on one off women, or is it left blank? Are women in the military now only worth 1/2 one man?

    The more the politicks get involved the worse America gets. Like the old soviet days when people did work that had no demand just because it was on the central planners plan done far off with no real world understanding of what they were planning for.

    1. She was off duty for 3 years, two kids in 3 years are rather normal. If she was still in active list then someone need to replace her but not the new guy because you have probably a max number of people in the unit but someone inside that take not only hes own work but also her. ... for 3 years.

  3. A theory on the extinction of the Neanderthals is that the Neanderthal women participated in hunting, which would reduce the number of fertile women via hunting accidents, so they were out-bred by immigrants from Africa.

    Maternity is something that must be celebrated and protected, and this Navy captain made her contribution to the wellness of the United States by adding two beautiful children to the US population and ensuring that the US will remain strong into the future. Compare this to population declining problems in Japan, where they would love to see any women bear two children. China's rise is expected to peak very shortly because of the One-Child Policy that decimated China's young population.

    So I don't think this is unfair at all.

    1. BULLSHIT. you can't couple population of the United States with whether or not allowing extended pregnancy leave for female officer is fair or not.

      you have these feminist NAZI's screaming about how unfair the workplace is and then they turn around and want special treatment for themselves.

      its either equality across the board or you admit that women are going to get a special deal.

      the only thing that brings me joy is the fact that combat doesn't give a fuck about your race, gender or nationality. it will fuck you up in equal doses. the US Army and Marine Corps can water down training so that females can make it thru but combat will tell the truth everytime and once America sees its daughters with blown off limbs and in sandwich size body bags they'll realize that the reformed hippies from the 60's and 70's have truly fucked us all.

    2. Yes. But who is going to parent those children? I don't mind who stays at home but I believe at least one of them should be there.

      The trouble with all this is that women go on about the right to have children and it is natural etc. And then use arguments that say we should ignore biology and let them do what ever they want to do including going to war. It makes no sense. I have the right to children and I have the right to have my ass blown off? Really? How do women reconcile such things? What about the children's rights? Wow. So they both go to work in a potentially life ending job? Why have kids if you are going to end up dumping with some minimum wage nanny and then boarding school? And all with the possibility if the balloon goes up of both parents not coming back? Biologically as a male I programmed to screw as much as I can so why don't the West's navies support polygamy? If a male sailor says or does something deemed inappropriate by a female sailor why can't he use biology as an excuse? Why not?

    3. I agree with that "bullshit" Sol but feminist nazi ? That's oxymoron, in Third Reich woman had a very specific role, to pop out as many pure Germans as she can. Of course there were woman with some special talents that Reich use but, to call someone a feminist nazi is like saying white nigga.

      "Maternity is something that must be celebrated and protected" well this is a pretty wise words... but if you want to protect future mothers maybe not send them to work in organization with main goal is to KILL OTHERS! and there is a solid possibility that you will be KILLED! in the process.

    4. Oh, come on guys, SlowMan's comment HAD to be sarcasm.

  4. Solomon, I need clarification. Obviously, your post is about women in the military and playing by the same rules as the men. But in your little example, Capt Schmuckatelli going to CO (to get some weed, I presume) and clear his head is a men. So is this program just for the girls or not?

    1. you pointed out the most poorly written passage on this blog of poorly written thoughts. what i was trying to get across is this. if a male officer went to his battalion commander and wanted to take a year off to clear his head and decompress would he be allowed to or would he receive an adverse fitness report, probably be subjected to ridicule and if his Bn CO is old skool knocked on his ass.

      the example wasn't the best and i hope my explanation clears things up.

    2. Yeah no problem (grin)... he'd get a few years off too and when he came back he'd find that all his PT criteria had been reduced (Just to be fair there too)... and then a when war came he'd die.

      How about that scenario? "My wife's having a baby and I need the year off Colonel..."

      Sorry - had to type that one.


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