Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Is the only replacement for the AAV a modernized new built AAV?

I'm just tossing this out there as a question.  Don't take this as having lost faith in the Marine Personnel Carrier....if anything its really questioning whats been going on inside HQMC when it comes to this whole AAV replacement affair.

Did anyone consider just making some simple hydrodynamic improvements to the AAV (understanding that it might require a redesigned hull), putting in a compact 1000 horsepower MTU diesel engine, a RWS of sufficient killing power and maybe lengthening the hull?  How much more water speed can we get with improved water pumps on the market today...or even if simply upsized the legacy ones on the vehicle?

I just wonder if anyone actually considered that.  Or did we get so wrapped around the axle about a hydroplaning tracked vehicle that we couldn't back off that position until funding woes forced our hands.