Thanks to Bob for pointing me to this article.
via GenerationalDynamics
How many of you have been so focused on the various hotspots around the world...from the Ukraine, to Syria, to Egypt, to Venezuela, to Brazil, to Thailand etc....that you took your eye off China?
I did. Did you?
That's a luxury our far left (internationalist that believe in a responsibility to protect) and our far right (the US is the indispensable country) seem to forget.
China is the quintessential threat we face!
We must focus on fighting China. And with that in mind I ask. Is the F-35 the warhorse that will carry us to victory? How about the LCS? Is now the time to cut the number of aircraft carriers? How about Army Brigades and USMC Battalions?
History will look back at current leadership...both civilian and military...with contempt. We're making all the wrong moves at precisely the wrong time.
via GenerationalDynamics
"Suffice it to say that my assessment is that the PLA Navy has become a very capable fighting force. Much of the intelligence record is classified beyond what we can discuss in this forum, but just to give you one example, in 2012, the PLA Navy sent seven surface actions groups and the largest number of its submarines on deployment into the Philippine Sea in its history – and a significant increase in some areas from the years before, or just the year before.Question.
Make no mistake, the PLA Navy is focused on war at sea and about sinking an opposing fleet.
The PLA Navy’s civil proxy, an organization called “China Marine Surveillance,” has escalated a focused campaign since 2008 to gain Chinese control of the near seas, and they now regularly challenge the exclusive economic zone resource rights that South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and Vietnam once thought were guaranteed to them by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. ... China is negotiating for control of other nations’ resources off their coasts. “What’s mine is mine, and we’ll negotiate what’s yours.” ...
Incidentally, unlike U.S. coast guard cutters, Chinese marine surveillance cutters have no other mission but to harass other nations into submitting to China’s expansive claims. Mundane maritime government tasks like search-and-rescue, regulating fisheries, ice breaking and criminal law enforcement are handled by other agencies. ...
In my opinion, China is knowingly, operationally and incrementally seizing maritime rights of its neighbors under the rubric of a maritime history that is not only contested in the international community, but has largely been fabricated by Chinese government propaganda bureaus in order to quote-unquote “educate” the populace about China’s “rich maritime history” clearly as a tool to help sustain the Party’s control.
How many of you have been so focused on the various hotspots around the world...from the Ukraine, to Syria, to Egypt, to Venezuela, to Brazil, to Thailand etc....that you took your eye off China?
I did. Did you?
That's a luxury our far left (internationalist that believe in a responsibility to protect) and our far right (the US is the indispensable country) seem to forget.
China is the quintessential threat we face!
We must focus on fighting China. And with that in mind I ask. Is the F-35 the warhorse that will carry us to victory? How about the LCS? Is now the time to cut the number of aircraft carriers? How about Army Brigades and USMC Battalions?
History will look back at current leadership...both civilian and military...with contempt. We're making all the wrong moves at precisely the wrong time.