Friday, February 21, 2014

Philippine Navy revives the "PT Boat" concept to harass Chinese intruders.

Note.  I'm having a bit of difficult finding pics of the Philippine Multi-Purpose Attack Craft.  I've seen photos of the CB-90 & others showing an indigenous design.  Which one is correct is beyond me.
MANILA, Feb. 7 — The Philippine Navy (PN) is planning to transform its MPAC (multi-purpose attack craft) squadron into a force capable of harassing foreign ships that may intrude in the country's territorial waters.
The Navy presently operates six MPACs, three of which were obtained from Taiwan and the other three from Filipino shipbuilder Propmech Corporation which is based in Subic Bay, Zambales.
Navy officials said the MPACs are suited for these mission as they could go in, attack or harass the offending vessel and evade quickly.
To create this capability, more heavier weapons and longer range sensors and surveillance will be installed on these 45-knot small craft.
PN MPACs are 16.5 meters long, 4.76 meters wide and has a draft of one meter and a top speed of 45 knots.
Each one costs around P90 million. It has a range 300 nautical miles. The hull is made of high-quality aluminum and is crewed by one officer and four enlisted personnel.
It is capable of carrying 16 fully-equipped troopers or two tons of cargo.
The MPAC is also capable of operating in territorial waters up to "Sea State 3" (slight waves) without any system degradation and is armed with one .50 caliber and two 7.62mm machine guns. (PNA)
I've read on other websites that China isn't a threat to the region.  That the region is peaceful and that there have been no aggressive moves by China on its neighbors and that the biggest dangers to peace in the region come from Japan and the United States.

We all know better.

What I find interesting and fascinating is that one of the poorest nations in the region is taking it upon itself to fashion a defense against the Rising Dragon.

Oh and before you downplay the ability of small, swift boats with impressive firepower to  effectively engage, harass and even sink larger ships I remind you of our own experience in World War 2 with our PT Boats.  They were a small but potent cog in the war wheel and helped win the war.

If war comes the Philippine people will do the first thing that must be done when facing an attacker.

Forcefully resist.  I hope we stand with them.


  1. So basically, the Philippines are looking for a Fast Attack Craft that is similar to the Sa'ar 4-class missile boat,Sa'ar 4.5-class missile boat, Victory-class corvette, Tarantul-class corvette, Göteborg-class corvette, Gepard-class fast attack craft & Hamina-class missile boat. Interesting that they are looking for something in the FAC area for their Littoral patrols or close to shore patrols.

  2. goto forum for discussion about foreign boats and CB-90. I will send you other photos. CB-90s can be equipped with Hellfire missiles, small UAVs and perhaps a Mk 38 (which is pushing it~). That particular model has minerails on it and an empty gun mount on top.

    Don't let anyone kid you Marine, those boats are fine for flat waters but not as canyon runners.
    The PiNav is looking for a cheap boat because they have a small budget~

  3. The range of current fire and forget torpedoes make this vessel a real lethal package.
    I notice the hull is a wave penetrator type for heavy sea state.
    Vertical launch seems the way to go.

  4. Have the Chinese copied a decent small AShM missile for their shipborne helicopters? If so....

  5. this craft big enough to sport harpoons on the back?

  6. Yet again they are throwing good money after bad. To harass a Chinese naval vessel with a .50 caliber machine gun will do nothing but get you squished like a bug. They have ship building capability but don't have the funds due to high corruption in their government. I don't see anything they can do/afford that will prevent a future invasion which I believe will happen within the next 20 years. They will never be able to govern themselves effectively or defend themselves for that matter. They threw the Americans out and now they must accept the fact that even with a defense treaty with America, the Americans do not have a physical "interest" in this country anymore. America in it's current political environment will not engage in a major conflict with China just to save a country that has nothing to offer it.

  7. Here's a video of Philippine Navy MPAC,



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