Thursday, February 27, 2014


Gun porn you pervert!  Yeah...that's sweet!  Take a good look boys and girls.  That non-descript, grey man that you see carrying around the notebook cover or Ipad case might actually be  carrying some serious firepower. I love it when society's conventions can be used to enhance our personal security.  Afterall.  Who looks twice at a guy with a notebook cover?


  1. If thats yours What Ammo is that?

    When I carry, i have a XD9mm with just standard 9mm ammo, nothing sexy like that.

    1. I carry what I can hit with, FMJ for the 1911A1 Gov series 70, LHPSWC for the Colt MK III and light JHP for the wife's l'il Smith.
      Only the hits count, the smoke, flash and terminal ballistics don't help unless you penetrate the target with a good well aimed hit.
      I've heard 135 to 140 gr for the 9 mm is best.
      When I had my Colt Commander in 9 mm the best whizbang killer bullet was the 115 gr JHP.

  2. not mine. if you check out the photo you'll see the zorin denu. he's got an awesome portfolio.

    as far as my carry ammo. i'm on a critical defense kick. decent expansion, soft shooting and i'm on a multiple assailant kick so i want to put three in the first bad guy, three in the second and then on to his buddies as fast as possible...or have the ability to put followon shots into the hard core drug heads or gym punks that went bad.

    my old standby. golden sabers is more a winter carry. but in the summertime, i'm rolling with the lighter grains. more specifically in the winter i got with 147 gr and in the summer i'll go to 115. the ultra light stuff ain't my cup of tea. 90 grain ultra high speed stuff just doesn't look like it gets the job done to me.

    115 in the past would have caused concern but i've seen enough tests with the critical defense that i'm cool with it.

    1. note too that some of my buds on the Sheriffs dept swear by the 135 critical duty.

  3. I still can't carry the critical duty, but the department is about to approve short barrel shotguns, short barrel rifles, and suppressors. I can't wait to write off the tax stamp along with the cost of a suppressor.

    Hey Sol off topic, but to your prepper side. Have you ever thought of stocking up on antibiotics? Did some looking up and found fish mox forte is Amoxicillin you just don't need a script for it.

    1. all over it! i don't have time to look it up but the other mox's are getting a bit difficult to find. amazon was once a easy go to place but the pricing is getting outrageous. hurry while you can.

      big brother found out and i would bet that pipeline is about to get shut down.

    2. I forgot to tell you that with the cut in defense spending coming there will be a cut in funding police narcotics training by civilian instructors. The classes being narcotics related are loose in definition. I've seen everything from money laundering classes to public relation classes covered. With the possible cut coming they may stop trainings altogether or get military personal to try and train some of the courses..

    3. Get a Merck manual to go with your anti biotics.
      Don't forget syringes and needles, scales to weigh the drugs and a couple of decent thermometers.

    4. Doxy, get doxy. You can use that shit for alot, and it will help keep the bug bites from getting you sick.

    5. Thanks for the info. Just getting started in this new stocking up venture.

    6. Solomon, any plans for a discussion of medicine for preppers? I am new to the topic and this discussion of antibiotics showed me how much I do not know.

    7. i'll probably put something up this weekend but i'm getting kinda leery.

      from personal observation it appears to me that every time something gets hot in the prepping community we see the Feds move to either restrict it or regulate it more heavily.

      i can tell you that alot of people are taking the knowledge underground and behind password protected forums and stuff because they're so worried about things. is that being paranoid? i don't know. what i do know is that i have internet traffic from homeland security...from the FBI and such. am i doing anything illegal? not at all but its obvious that a t least a few of my posts triggered some watch word. and by my thinking and the dates of those OBVIOUS visits it had to do with my prepping posts

  4. I wish the US Gun Community would stop going on about the Glock 42. I think Glock could put there name a piece of cow dung and some would rush to buy it.

    Why is the 41 being ignored? That is a hand cannon.

    1. It's the first single stack Glock has made, and it's supposed to be a precursor to a single stack 9mm. Yeah, it's 20 years behind the curve, but it's a change and that is something Glock has been lacking for the last few years.

  5. I knew a guy whose carry was a box set up to resemble a mailing box.
    Taped up for mailing all he had to do was tear off the tape and open the box.
    There was his handgun.


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