Thursday, February 27, 2014

Prepping tip. Milling your own 80% lower...via Modern Survival Online.

God bless YouTube.

Most people go to YouTube to watch the latest silliness that other humans are putting online.  Whether its newscasters "rapping the news" or the latest music video, most people don't use it to gain knowledge.

It doesn't work that way for the firearms/prepper/self defense community.

We use YouTube for increasing knowledge.

Take for instance milling your own 80% lower.

Check the laws for yourself, but it appears that these weapons that you mill yourself do not have serial numbers and will not show up on any databases.

I know many people that have upwards of 5 to 10 80% lowers that they intend to pass along to their children.  If you're a prepper act fast.  Rumor has it that this is another one of those great things that the authorities found out about that is about to get slammed shut.

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