Monday, February 17, 2014

Quote of the day...

First read the Marine Corps Times story here....Then consider this quote...
I had filed a motion asking the Military Judge in SGT Richards' case to order CMC, MARCENT and MCCDC to testify under oath at court. At the hearing, the Gov't lawyers said they were sure the two LtGen's would meet with me and tell what they knew. Both did. I was sitting two feet from LtGen Waldhauser when he stated that CMC told him he wanted the snipers "crushed" and emphasized to me that was the exact word. My co-counsel and I drafted the Affidavit which LtGen Waldhauser signed - after reviewing it carefully and having it looked over by a senior Marine Judge Advocate not connected with HQMC. I choose to beileve LtGen Waldhauser -- his display of moral courage and that by MAJ Weirick are in keeping with the highest ideals of our Corps.
Guy Womack · Woodrow Wilson Law School
Amos has a problem.  He no longer has any moral authority inside the Marine Corps, has no support among those he charged to lead and no one believes a word that comes out of his mouth.

This is just more fuel to the fire.


  1. Solomon, isn't Amos out this year?

    If so, is there a likely candidate to replace him?

    1. everyone i talk to is saying that Dunford has it in the bag. all i know is that i want AMOS gone.

  2. The support base Amos has doesn't come from the Marine Corps. It comes from politicians that he plays the game with well and it comes from Lockheed Martin. He won't call out other political corruption and other politicians can even kind of control him because of the scandels he's already been involved in. Apart from that, Amos is right now the absolute number one most powerful guy pushing for the F-35. He is an absolutely necessary cog in the machine that keeps the JSF program alive and you can bet that there are defense contractors doing what they can to block harmful things coming at Amos.

    In fact, I can't even picture in my mind what the F-35 program would like without Amos. It would be weakened significantly for sure, but if the CMC position had someone that wasn't too enthusiastic about the F-35B and wouldn't accept bribes or threats the program would be in trouble.

    By the way, have you heard about the OSD chopping down the planned order of LCS ships from 52 to 32?

    1. i heard about the LCS, but my opinion is...neutral. the Navy has a plan its just a matter of making it work.

      payloads over platforms. the LCS was suppose to be a cheap platform that carried great modules. it hasn't worked out that way and they're way behind on getting it done. i think it'll work better with a bigger ship but who knows.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. And then I see this headline in my Google news feed this morning: Marine Commandant Launches Offensive Against Bad Behavior. Can only shake my head.

    1. totally agree. the only way i can explain that is that he is truly a megalomaniac that believes he does no wrong and that HE is the Corps.

  5. Reminds me of Peter "Perfect" Pace, in a way.
    Sorry, Marines.


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