Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Sochi Olympics. If trouble comes, help will arrive via Georgia, not a warship.

The Pentagon has been magical in their deception campaign with regards to where US forces will come from if trouble breaks out in Sochi.

We've all been asking the question what ships are being deployed?

That's not right.

We should be looking to see who is on their way to Georgia.  The movements are probably being kept secret but I would be body parts that you're seeing Special Forces and MARSOC staging out of Georgia with instructions to prepare to evac US citizens if a terrorist attack occurs----and if the Russians give us permission.

Ships are magnificent but easy to track.

Movement by forces to a blacked out military airbase is much harder to least by bloggers and reporters.  Quick Sidenote.  Don't leave out the possibility of Turkey playing a role here either.


  1. hmm, good thinking.

    I didn't realize how close to Georgia Sochi was.

    1. well they made it obvious when they sent a Command ship and a destroyer to supposedly evacuate US citizens in trouble. additionally when you consider that EuCom is trying to get into play as a relevant command and it makes sense that the work that the Marines and Army have been doing with Georgian forces makes it a natural.

      i'd expect cover for a mission to be flown out of Turkey by the USAF...simple and elegant at the same time. the crazy part is that US forces would be getting more involved in disputes between Russia and Georgia.

  2. That's politically unacceptable to both Russia and Georgia given the Russian-Georgian relations and the recent Russia-Georgia war.

    1. the US and Russia are at knifes edge over a variety of issues. Georgia not only assisted well above its weight in Afghanistan but they have hosted continuous training missions by the USMC and Army. so yeah. I"M SPOT ON WITH THIS.

      the Russia -Georgia war just pushed the Georgians closer to the US. additionally Russian forces did not perform well.

      so yeah. again. I'M SPOT ON DUDE.

    2. Georgia also taught that its contribution to Iraq war (Afghanistan to a lesser extent) will mean something in terms of US support , so the Georgia provoked war with south ossetia blisfully unaware that Russians were just waiting for a provocation like that .(Anyone who thinks russian FSB doesn't still dominate inteligence sphere in former Soviet republics is a fool) . Russian's sent a Chechen baltalion Vostok to do the hardest fighting then just rolled in big and swept away Georgians like flys ,i do not know why there is a big impresion of heavy Russian aircraft losess ,US lost more just to accidents in Kosovo campaign that took something like 72 days of bombing by whole of Nato

    3. i continue to marvel how people are so quick to side with despot nations against our allies in these disputes.

      from Asians that live in free nations hating Japan instead of China, to your idiotic statement about Georgia provoking an attack from Russia.


    4. Solomon,

      I also forgot to add that the republic of Abkhasia bordering Sochi is not under Georgian control at the moment and is pro-Russia. Actual Georgian territory is some 150 km away from Sochi.

    5. that is a sneeze distance for a CV-22. this is the one mission where a CV-22 is tailor made to perform.

    6. Yea, but the USMC must still obtain permissions to cross from both pro-Russia Abkhasia and Russia. It is not as simple as Georgia->Russia crossing as you would imagine.

      Sochi being the coastal city, the easiest route in terms of politics is Black Sea->Sochi.

    7. just say you're wrong and let it go. the republic you're talking about i never heard of. Georgia is right on the border and anyway you slice it you're flying into Russian airspace...whether Russia or a proxy you get permission from one (Russia) and you're golden.

      this issue is the same from the Black Sea. you're flying into Russian airspace.

      long story short cowboy is this. the US Navy has two warships in the area that are not equipped or configured to handle an evacuation of the size that would be necessary if trouble hit.

      that means a land base is being used.

      GEORGIA is the most obvious and logical location for this to happen out of.

  3. Here we have to disagree look at the time line of that war and some history Georgia fought its break away regions twice before.
    As for despots Georgia is our ally but is about as despotic as russia i have been there couple of years back and the prick of the president was building himself a half bilion dolar 'whitehouse' and people are piss poor. Place is more or less a kleptocracy like Russia.

    As for Japan they simply have to aplologise to many Asian countries which they failed to at all, Germans still do to this day to countries that suffered their occupation , Japanese were beyond savage raping ,murdering and pilaging troughout Asia and unlike Germany that lost territoriy (Prussia) ,was split in two and occupied for decades after the war they even kept the Emperor and made no reparations to their victims .So in reality many asian nations have every right to be pissed of at Japan

  4. Slowman is right Abkhazia and South Ossetia declared indepedance following 2008 war and i would bet that Georgia lost any posibillity of keeping the territory .

  5. I do not see the Russians giving us permission to intervene. The whole Sochi Olympics could be going up with a 1000 muslim fundamentalist shooting people on live TV, and the Russians would likely tell us no intervention. And if we go it alone without their permission we'd be losing aircraft to to the Russian air defenses. No, I think this one game we have to hope does not go sour, because I don't see Russian pride allowing our aid even if everything goes belly up.

  6. USS Mount Whitney and USS Taylor have entered the Black Sea in support of the Sochi Olympics.

    Two U.S Navy ships have entered the Black Sea in the event that American athletes need to be evacuated from the Sochi games.

    Two U.S. Navy ships entered the Black Sea Wednesday as part of a Pentagon security plan ahead of the Sochi Olympics. The ships will be on standby to assist in the evacuation of American athletes and spectators in the event that threats are made to the 2014 Games.

    The U.S.S. Mount Whitney arrived Wednesday morning with a crew of 300, and the U.S.S. Taylor is slated to arrive later in the day with another 200 sailors.

    Navy officials said the ship will “perform routine operations” while on standby.


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