Saturday, February 08, 2014

Taliban capture an allied Military Working Dog??? via Outside

Read the entire story here.

CNN is saying that US military sources are saying that its a British MWD.  I don't know.  What I do know is that this is pathetic.  How do you let these barbarians backwards ass fucks capture a friend?


  1. I read about this in this morning's 'The Times'. Apparently the SAS left this poor chap behind when one of their ops was blown in theatre. I thought the coda was never leave a mate (or dog) behind? No doubt they are burning the midnight oil in Hereford while they plan a daring rescue mission....

    1. that dog is already dead. those son of a bitches fight dogs for sport and have you seen some of those brutes. the SAS need to do a serious look in the mirror. they've always been known as some rather cold hearted bastards but to do this is something that would never happen in the US forces.

      this surprises me and quite honestly points to cultural differences between the southern/midwest and mountain based US military and the British force.

  2. I think it's just a local dog that has a jacket put on. It's not acting like most dogs of war I've seen, little too jumpy and excitable when the ragheads are walking round and banging stuff.

    1. the dog is simply acting like any other POW. confused, surrounded by people that he doesn't know and he's sure will kill him....its a natural reaction.

      don't buy into the idea that MWDs are natural born killers that will attack at the drop of a hat. they're simply dogs that have been trained to do certain tasks.

  3. Read the full story. One of our soldiers died out of area, code for in an SAS operation. Something went wrong, a man died and a dog got captured.
    I suspect in the confusion of one of their colleagues shot up the dog got missed

    1. i am tired of dealing in guess work when it comes to Special Operations Forces. if the SAS suffered the loss of a dog handler and that explains why the dog got captured then fucking say so.

      until then the Brits fucked up.

      if it was conventional forces the story would be out and the punishments already handed out.

      bugger off with that bullshit.

    2. "Bugger of with that bullshit" its you bullshit narrow mind that is pointing finger without facts. The only fact we have is that a person died in the line of duty and squad member was captured, and I know for sure that no one in that cycle is going to take this lying down.

  4. To Hell with those boy fucking faggots. I wish our pussy ass leadership would take the gloves off and let our boys do what they do best, kick foreign ass.


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