Wednesday, March 19, 2014

30mm Mk 44 is no longer good enough for the IFV threat.

Warfare Technology Blog has a post where he compares the "popular" weapons setups for Western IFVs.

Suffice it to say that the 25mm on the LAV-25A2 and the proposed 30mm on the canceled EFV and future ACV are no longer good enough.

Read the article here.


  1. the 40mm case telescoping rounds the Brits are looking at could fill the gap nicely.

  2. 70 rounds of ready to fire is a joke. Anything less than 100 is as well, unless you want a big line of supply trucks following you around.

    The BMP-3M is no in widespread service. Also, that BMP=3M stopped the 30mm rounds in a computer simulation.

    Until we get the real deal and fire away at it in the desert, I refuse to believe than an amphibious IFV like the BMP-3 can stop a 30mm APFSDS rounds.

    In fact, the BMP manufacturer states that the add-on armor gives protection from 12.7mm AP rounds, not even 20mm...

    If that were the case, then the T-90 should be able to stop 30mm DU rounds from an A-10.

    1. According to my knowledge the BMP-3 add on armour is ERA.
      Therefore I doubt a big difference between 30 or 35 mm.
      I guess a accurate salvo of 30 mm can defeat ERA.

      It smells like someone likes to sell bigger cannons.

    2. I concur.

      There are stories of a Bradley 25mm cannon penetrating the side armor of Iraqi T-55s and Chinese Type 59s.

  3. BMP-3 frontal armor is incapable to protect crew & passengers from 25X137 DU rounds. 30X173mm rounds are more than capable to penetrate the frontal armor. If not, because the Russians with the M model raised the protection level, the MK44 can be converted to the 40mm Super Forty.

    But the there is always the option to adopt the Bushmaster III


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