Thursday, March 06, 2014

A six division Army?

American Mercenary has another thought provoker.  The numbers are grim.  He does the math and the possibility of a 6 division US Army is entirely in the realm of possibilities.

Before you say that's no big deal consider this.  During WW2 the USMC had 6 divisions.  Additionally a Marine division is bigger than its Army counterpart so we're talking about far fewer people than even the WW2 example.

I said the Army is getting shredded.  I was wrong.  This is much worse.

A basic mistake the Army made is talking brigades instead of divisions. It clouds the issue when it comes to the size of the Army and the cuts its being forced to take. (Note:  Tim informs me that the Royal Navy is facing the same issues.  Many current and retired service members complain that the force is too small to perform assigned missions but is told that "tonnage today is greater than it was during the 1990's"...)

Historians, both military and civilian, will wonder what the fuck we were thinking.  Military Historians will wonder why the military didn't protest the cuts even though they knew that it would jeopardize the safety of the nation.

Read the article here.


  1. This remind me rapid butchering of US Army forces after end of WWI...

  2. Congressional elections in the U.S. this November. Get out and VOTE!

    Also pay attention to your state and local elections.

    Historians may wonder what we were thinking but I think they will judge us much harsher if we never did anything about it.

  3. In order to support an exquisite Army (military,) you have to pay for it. Personnel costs are shredding the Pentagon budget, both in terms of current compensation, and benefits for retirees. In practical terms, that means higher taxes, because nobody (military or otherwise) wants their compensation or entitlements cut. The root cause is the way district boundaries are drawn, i.e. gerrymandering, that all but ensures the status quo. We need to vote for moderate, practical politicians in either party - not ideologues, and impose sensible term limits. And most of all, remember that we are all in this together.

  4. Look through many units (off all services) and notice the people that do not belong because they are on waiver, pregnant, doing useless duties or all 3. Too many flag ranks by about 1000 percent. And other fat. USAF has way more O-6 colonels than E-9 chiefs. It is the military. Not a socialist welfare experiment.

    1. well said. scuttlebutt has it that the next Commandant is going to push a real hard back to basics movement in the Corps.

      its going to be all about doing the Marine-thing. no more love affairs with tech for tech's sake but only if it enables you to do your job better and its demonstrated. alot of the fluff thats built up is going to get yanked back and ass kisser beware because they're suppose to be on the chopping block...

      but thats all rumors...and maybe wishful thinking.


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