Tuesday, March 18, 2014

AMX 50 100

A big French autoloader that started develop at the end of WW2.  It was an extremely modern design that never entered service.  Read about it here.


  1. Sol, is there any specific tank you're trying to get on WoT? From your posts you seem to be a fan of the oscillating turret autoloaders.

    1. i'm after the T57 heavy. my T69 is fun, the T54E1 is a blast but they're just expensive to run. with the T69 you have to use premium shells or else its worthless and the T-54E1 if you chip the paint then you have one helluva repair bill. i'm hoping the T57 is better.

      but i'm kinda on a couple of different trees and i've been selling tanks like its cool. my next German tank will be the JagdPanther II, i'm about to pick up the IS3 on the Russian line and haven't done much with the other countries yet.

      lots of fun, but the missing ingredient is a gaming rig. i can play the game but its laggy on my current computer and thats even with the graphics turned way down. my internet isn't the highest speed either.

    2. The T57 Heavy is totally worth it! It's my favorite tank and it's a beast to play with. It's also expensive like the other two, but it has some other perks in its performance that will probably help you get more money and xp to compensate.

      I'm in the process of trying to get the German autoloader. but that's a long process for now. I'm also learning how to use artillery and I'm becoming a pretty good shot with it, but I still prefer medium tanks or autoloaders.

    3. By the way, Sol, I don't know what your budget is, but there are some places online that you could shop to get a gaming rig. The gaming rig I have was built at a local Technology for Tomorrow, but the guy went online to shop for the parts. You could get a pretty decent one for WoT and other games you might play for around the $700-$600 range.


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