Thursday, March 20, 2014

ATF. We finally learn why they wanted Ares Armor customer list...

via The Examiner
In related developments, legal sources advise Gun Rights Examiner that actions against EP Armory and Ares Armor were initiated in large part because of law enforcement interest in so-called “build parties,” including when such collaborative efforts would legally be considered “manufacturing firearms.” Concerns expressed by the California Department of Justice were also said to play an influential role in ATF’s decision to assert itself through the recent investigations and seizures.
I stated that ATF had declared war on gun owners and I'm right.

They're going after build parties.  Son of a bitch!  The crazy thing is that I've seen federal law enforcement at a couple of parties I've been to.  Not ATF but US Marshals along with local law enforcement.  Its strange too because its a gathering of good guys (and a few girls) that are law abiding citizens.  The mix is everything from military, retired military, firefighters, law enforcement, teachers, preachers...its just a huge slice of the American middle class.

Is it just an ATF thing?

Are they really this out of control?

Read the entire article here.


  1. Perhaps if Tupperware brought out an 80% lower in some nice pastel shades the ATF won't get as angsty? Build your Tupperware, shoot a pig, and store the cuts in your refrigerator in nice Tupperware boxes.......I can see it now.

    Surely this is 1st Amendment issue?

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    I hope at these parties you attend Sol you don't do naughty things like talk about politics or prep'ing or such......... :)

  2. i'm wondering if the ATF is sending undercover agents to these things now. this is how societies fragment. now if someone new wants to join it becomes a question of who are you and why should we let you instead of saying hey! another person wants to learn their sporting rifle from the ground up.

    outside of the TSA, i think ATF are the most hated federal law enforcement agents. well IRS too, but i think ATF is going to give all these guys a run for there money in the hatred/shoot them if they show up category.

  3. Hey that sounds like fun having a build party, but no beer until after the milling is done though. I'm wondering how anyone can say they are manufacturing.

    1. i have no idea. i always thought it was about basically getting a low grade armorers education. we definitely aren't "manufacturing" weapons though.

      i also think its got to be the ATF's culture. something is broke there.

    2. Nope, it's some Johnny Lickspittles who are doing the bidding of the Administration. They were hamstrung when they couldn't get a new AWB passed, so this is their work-around. a

      Find some bureaucrat who care more about following orders and pleasing their masters more than the rule of law or constitutionality. If GOP gets the Senate, I'd welcome them smashing the ATF and call it 'budget cuts'.

      Then go onto the NSA.

    3. I dont think it is the 1811s necessarily, but the bureaucrats in DC giving the marching orders, I know some west coast feds and they are for the most part gun guys like the rest of us. I understand that blindly following orders is not an excuse, go a little easy (do not let them off the hook though when they screw up). The issue with all the federal agents is that they are controlled by career bureaucrats with agendas, and are being used as tools for those agendas. The cops are the easy targets, its time to hold their bosses accountable. Gotta remember that the average cop/fed/EMS are by and large good people, try not to let the bad agents and bureaucrats poison all of them for you. That said, they can have them when they pry em from my cold dead hands....

  4. It is nice that person who follow laws should be be part of ATF. It will really increase the strength of the party.
    MA Firearms Safety Course.


  6. I am still wondering about Tupperware AR15s. If Tupperware introduced a range of magazine, in tasteful colours of course, would the rounds stay fresher for longer?


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