Monday, March 03, 2014

Connecticut is a flashpoint? Where have I been?

I saw this vid and then went back through my blog roll.


Bad winds are blowing up North!  This should prove interesting.  They sent out confiscation notices?  Wow.  I hope they're ready for the pushback.

I personally think Yeager is understating the danger here.  All it will take is a dozen or so people out of even a million to start some savage fireworks...and I bet there are more than a dozen people that will NOT give up their firearms.

This is gonna get interesting in a VERY bad way.


  1. By the rude bridge on April morn, embattled gun owners stood and fired the shot heard round the world.
    Obama's third term coming up under martial law.

    1. I joked not long after Barry got elected the first time that I wouldn't be surprised if somebody proposed scrapping your two term rule. And what do you know they did?

      The Constitution's one failing is that there is no mechanism for forcing states to comply with it. Your Supreme Court doesn't seem to have the same reach (legally or with intent) as say the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (Bundesverfassungsgericht). I think your Founding Fathers thought man's intellect was on an upward curve and there wasn't need for another check and balance against stupidity.

      I think the anti-gunners make the mistake of thinking that the unarmed in the US are automatically anti-gun. I don't think they are not by a long shot(!) I do many of the unarmed are part of the silent majority that are growing tired of watered down socialism. They want to be American and live the American way. Going after the gun owners may tip the balance against Washington. Not because of the guns per se. More because a group makes a stand and the Government will be forced to deal with them. And if one group is seen actively taking on the centre it won't be longed before other groups within the silent majority coalesce and take on the centre too.

      Events in the Ukraine have shown that normal democratic methods are breaking down. A group violently take down a government. And another government acts strongly to protect its kindred. Realpolitik in action.

      You are going to get a third Barry term anyway because Clinton will get in next. The ship is already holed below the waterline. She will sink it. The sad thing is that both of their actions will mean that neither a black man or a woman will get elected for at least a generation. If there is a US as we know it to elect a president. And the latter isn't hyperbole.

    2. the presidency is rapidly becoming irrelevant. the real action is in Congress. if COngress ever gets a backbone and exercises the power of the purse then you will see democrat presidents with the ability to do nothing.

      thats the key. Congress.

    3. steve,
      As a self-proclaimed Southerner (I'm from WV originally so a lot of people will fight me on that) I'm damn glad the Constitution doesn't specifically force the States to comply with Federal law.

      States Rights forever.

  2. If I lived in Connecticut and got one of those notices I think I would call the cops and report them all stolen.

    The problem with today's police/judicial and gov regulation is that it has become so over the top everyone is a criminal to some degree. Oppressive orgs like this framework because it makes it possible to cripple anyone at their prerogative.

    That is not the america way as it was meant to be.

    1. agreed. i can't drive to the store without breaking some type of law...and thats with me doing my best to be law abiding. we're all criminals these days its just a matter of whether we get caught and the law enforced.

  3. God have mercy if your neighbor accidentally added a digit to his return address, and scribbled his name so bad it looks like yours.

  4. I'm from Connecticut, I can tell you by reading the tea leaves, a Civil war part 2 is brewing here, and It ain't looking good by a long shot.

    1. and that fills in the missing piece. people down south can talk shit, people in the midwest can yell about holding the line but what matters is what are they saying in state.

      i've read some pretty alarming stuff that i'm sure homeland security is all over. this is gonna get messy.

      the crazy thing is that when this pops off, and the govt there is painting themselves into a corner of having this go crazy, the CT state police aren't going to be able to handle it.

      i said messy? wrong. this is gonna get nasty.

    2. Knowing that the State Police in CT is not as big as other states, I will bet you it will get messy and Nasty. What Gov Malloy has done is to ensure a violent Civil war in this state and their will be casualties in the state. His Liberals have underestimated the common folk and will realize that it will backfire on them. Being that I am from Connecticut, I can tell you I will be in the front lines of this mess.

  5. I have a pretty bad feeling that the Liberals in my state of Connecticut are going to face a Ukraine in their own backyard. They are in for one messy, bloody and even violent Civil war, which will result the state being broken for a long, long time.

  6. I don't see a good outcome unless the the state backs off. What I'm worried about is an officer getting some type of call to a home and going up to knock on the door and getting shot by someone thinking the officer was there for their guns.
    Also I still don't see many State police going for this, unless they are that liberal up there..
    I see the posts here and other sites and see local officers as their focus of a lot of what state governments and the Feds are doing.
    2nd thing I have heard about is the $200.00 tax stamp has been the same since the laws inception and they may look at upping it. By Wiki it would be over $3000.00 per tax stamp adjusted for inflation.
    Thought about getting any guns under an NFA trust?

    1. haven't heard anyword on the stamp going up in price. the backlog is so big that once they did the 30 day notice they'd get flooded. besides, Obama has enough on the table that he can't afford that fight right now.

  7. I do have one question, off topic, but to lighten the mood a little? What is with state police forces and their uniforms? Do they get them designed by the likes of Disney? Odd colors. Odd styles. More gold braid than I have ever seen in one place. What gives? :)


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