Sunday, March 09, 2014

Defense cuts are all political...

Check this out from the Suffolk News Herald...
By Rick Jensen
The difference between President Obama’s approach and that of Republicans like Senator Tom Coburn is the Democratic president wants to cut spending on military men and women’s salaries and benefits, while Coburn seeks to cut spending on jets and ships.
The president also wants to cut cost of living increases for retirees who served our country
Yes, the Pentagon is facing $37 billion in cuts. So what would be the best way to match those cuts? Reduce our well-trained fighting force when terrorists are recruiting and deploying forces around the world and amid serious international threats or reduce billions of dollars in questionable weapons programs?
Coburn has one of the most consistently diligent teams digging through defense spending reports from the Government Accountability Office.
A quick and easy way to achieve $37 billion in savings is to simply end the F-35 Strike Fighter boondoggle. It’s years behind schedule, billions over budget and will be just as expensive to fly and maintain each plane over its lifespan.
It’s also politically impossible to end the program outright, so Coburn’s team has proposed allowing the Navy and Marine Corps to purchase cheaper F/A-18 Super Hornet jets, instead of making the F-35 the standard platform for every branch of the military, thereby saving $18 billion.
Also, do we really need 11 aircraft carriers? Many analysts say we don’t Save $7 billion by reducing aircraft carriers from 11 to 10 and Navy Air Wings from 10 to 9.
Of course, beaching an aircraft carrier also means displacing a crew of about 5,000.
One of the more controversial ideas is closing Department of Defense elementary schools to save about $10 billion.
More than 25,000 students are taught by 2,300 teachers who are employees of the Department of Defense. Sadly, a report by the Center for Public Integrity stated, “Conditions are so bad (on military-run schools) that some educators at base schools envy the civilian schools off base, which admittedly have their own challenges.”
The problem with locking the doors on military elementary schools is putting that population pressure on some local school districts that don’t have enough classroom space. Building new schools would cost those taxpayers more than is being spent on the base schools.
There are billions more that can be saved by eliminating programs that simply duplicate other effective programs, but what congressman wants to face angry people who lost a job?
Perhaps it is easier for Democrats to simply fire people, but there are better ways to cut defense spending.
Rick Jensen is a talk show host on Delaware’s 1150AM WDEL and 93.7FM HD3. His show streams live on from 1 to 4 p.m
Geez I'm slow.

These proposed defense cuts that the Obama Administration is putting forward is designed to do one thing.

They are to be so painful.  So obviously dangerous to national security, that Republicans have to cave to increased domestic spending to get them reversed.

I don't agree with all Rick's points but he's right about more than a few things and nails it with his big takeaway.

There ARE smarter ways to cut defense.  They're not even trying. 


  1. Salomão:

    Não encontro ninguém propondo fechar algumas das mais de 160 bases no exterior (que além de alvos em potencial, custam muito caro manter).

    De minha parte, estou com medo da evolução na Ucrânia, pode dar merda grande.

    Farei um "off-topic":

    Ontem enchi dois recipientes com dez litros de gasolina e estoquei em casa.

    Moro em Anápolis, Estado de Goiás, 450.000 habitantes, fica a 140 quilômetros de Brasília (capital do Brasil), dois alvos em potencial visto que aqui há uma Base Aérea.

    Meu sogro (pai da minha esposa) mora a 400 quilômetros daqui, uma cidade de 6.000 habitantes cercada de fazendas onde a única coisa que vem de fora é sal no que se refere a comida. Há criação de gado, porcos, granjas, muita soja, feijão, legumes etc. . Sempre que vou lá volto com muita carne que custa metade do preço que encontro aqui nos supermercados.

    Este é meu "plano "B"", me mandar pra lá se a merda agarrar, pelo menos não morreremos de fome. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

    Possuo uma Yamaha Ténéré 250 cilindradas que tem tanque com capacidade de 16 litros, na estrada faz 30 quilômetros por litro quando se anda a 7.500 giros e 115 quilômetros por hora (na cidade faz 25 quilômetros por litro).

    Meus cunhados que tem carro fizeram o mesmo com estoque de gasolina, temos em mente um comboio com 4 veículos e três motocicletas.

    A ideia é ficar bem longe de centros urbanos.

    Onde meu sogro mora ha espaço de sobra para acomodar a família inteira, todo ano fazemos encontro de família lá e sabemos como se acomodar (aliás, cabe até mais gente).

    Desculpe o "off-topic", espero que você também tenha um "plano B" para você e sua família, digo de novo que, dessa vez, estou com receio.



    But Alan Williams, the DND’s former head of procurement, said the analysis of options, as well as the deferral of funding, plays into the hands of those in government and the Royal Canadian Air Force who want to buy the F-35.

    “As it stands, the F-35 would lose any competition Canada held today, but if that is delayed for several years, then its chances of winning improve as development issues are worked out,” Williams said.

  3. F-35 é como traição de marido, o cara tem que negar até a morte a cagada que fez.


  4. Quit talking about cutting the F-35, it's not possible. That project may be mismanaged, but the US is not the only one funding the F-35 nor is it the only one affected by it. The US is ONE country, there are at least a dozen more in Europe that have a lot riding on the program with heaps of workshare agreements. Canning the project may be all nice and good for the US, but what it really means is tossing lots of other people who backed you off the cart for the wolves. Never mind politics, no one would ever want to touch a major US project ever again.

    For better or worse, the F-35 has to be completed, especially after LM already spent 6 Billion of other people's money.

    If you want to dump the F-35, the only acceptable thing to do is to transfer all development to the other funding countries. They have a lot more riding on it than the US.

    PS: I blame Lockheed for setting pie in the sky goals.

    As for budget cuts, yes, it is all political. Why? Because Congress don't want to cut spending from their pet vote buying social projects, so the bill gets shoved to guess who? Sequestration happens because Congress couldn't agree on a civil budget with cuts, so they basically shoved the whole budget shortfall to the military.

    1. Countries that need the F-35 or are fully commited to it : The US, Norway, Britain, and Taiwan

      Countries that can substitute : Italy, Canada, Australia, Israel, Japan, Denmark, Turkey, Singapore, and Netherlands.

    2. I'd say Italy and Turkey can't. Not because of buying, but because they spent so much on the manufacturing structures for the F-35 already and are counting on it for their future economy.

  5. Como imaginam o F35:,d.eW0&psig=AFQjCNEVbHsusLDtWtLyEyL_AEl1OUhn1w&ust=1394474280095539

    Como ele é:


    Fora isso, Ôbaôba está com "traumatismo ucraniano" !


  6. F-35 para os que gostam, imaginam que ele é aquele caça do filme Guerra nas Estrelas, para quem sabe, não passa de um tijolo que voa.
    Muito caro por sinal.



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