Saturday, March 08, 2014

Detroit Police Chief comes down on the side of gun owners defending themselves....

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This should be the common approach taken by law enforcement and this shouldn't be newsworthy.

Unfortunately its least up north.

Can you imagine the Chief of Police in Boston, or New York, or Chicago or even a dozen other cities making such a statement?


  1. Sol - bad link(s) in this. Can't go to video.


  2. Replies
    1. what are your computer settings? works fine for me. do you have adblockers on or are your java settings set to block vids?

  3. Don't forget David Clarke. I think most should know more police feel this way than the idiots pushing for the confiscation BS.

    1. yeah Mack over at the Bang Switch has an article up covering the topic. the more i think about this the more i really believe the problem is that Mayors against guns has gotten the international order of police chiefs and a few other law enforcement orgs to fall in line with them and thats all that people see.

      add the visuals of a few high profile incidents and it looks bad for joe law enforcement.

      i'm still fleshing out my views on this but bad advertising and a stolen message might be behind it. the answer? not sure, but these chiefs are serving as a counterweight to some bad press.

    2. I'm still worried about what happens if something kicks off. The Chiefs serve at the will of the city leaders which mean they either fall in line or get fired. Now then the officers under them become demoralized, because they don't believe in what their head guy is spouting then they get beat down by what the average citizen bitching about what their chief is saying. Need more chiefs with a backbone..

    3. something is gonna kick off. you can basically guarantee it. the democrats are already talking about losing the senate and that means that the federal govt will push rules and regs harder putting local police in the line of fire with citizens that disagree and "voted" the bums out.

      you can further bet that rules and regs will be labeled as common sense in the northeast and a threat to freedom in the rest of the country (not counting most of california and a few other places out west).


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