Thursday, March 27, 2014

E-2D joins the fleet, V-22 COD probably dead...

NORFOLK, Va. -- The E-2D Advanced Hawkeye officially became ready for tasking with Airborne Early Warning Squadron One Twenty Five (VAW-125) during a ceremony at Naval Station Norfolk Chambers Field, March 27.

“This is a revolutionary jump in capabilities,” said Capt. Todd Watkins, Commander, Airborne Command Control and Logistics Wing. “The E-2D serves as the eyes of the fleet. If it’s out there, we will see it.”

The “Tigertails” of VAW-125 are the first Navy squadron to become fully operational with the Advanced Hawkeye, the newest, most technologically capable variant of the venerable E-2 airborne early warning command and control platform.

The E-2D is expected to be instrumental to how the Navy will conduct battle management command and control. Able to sweep ahead of the strike, the E-2D can manage the mission and keep carrier battle groups out of harm’s way.

“We were very excited to be the first squadron to receive the [Advanced] Hawkeye,” said Lt. James Beaty, a Naval Flight Officer who has worked extensively with the E-2D. “It’s been a challenge, but I’ve enjoyed learning everything this aircraft is capable of.”

The E-2D’s advanced technology makes it a multi-mission platform through its ability to coordinate concurrent missions which may arise during a single flight. These missions can include airborne strike, ground force support, rescue operations and managing a reliable communications network capable of supporting drug interdiction operations.

This is the last thing that Marine Air wanted to see and probably spells the end of efforts to make the V-22 the next Carrier On-Board Delivery Vehicle.

Greenert is on a cost saving binge and I can't see how using the V-22 as the next COD makes sense from a financial point of view.  Additionally the end of the line for V-22 production is rapidly approaching.  I predict that the E-2 will continue in that role.  Maybe rebuilt and re-engined, but continue they will.