Tuesday, March 04, 2014

F-35. Buying broken jets....


Would you buy a brand spanking new car that you knew would have to be torn apart and have parts replaced on it right after leaving the show room?

I wouldn't but thats what the JSF Program Office is doing.  Check this out from AOL...
On the cracked bulkheads found during ground lifecycle testing of the F-35Bs — the Marine aircraft –Bogdan said “his biggest worry” about them is that there are planes on the production line due to receive the bulkhead models that cracked. He said he has “challenged Lockheed to figure out a way to get that fix done as quickly as possible” so he doesn’t have to buy jets and fix them later on.
That's the biggest "oh shit" statement mixed with full on "bullshit" alert I've heard in a long time.

The son of a bitch Bogdan is basically telling us that he's buying (yep, I'm borrowing ELP's term here) mistake jets that he knows we'll have to fix later.

Why am I putting this in past tense?  Because the only way he could prevent those jets from having to be torn apart and reassembled to correct this deficiency is if he halted F-35 production today.

So consider this another one of those under reported black eyes for the F-35 program.

Sidenote:  Just like Romney was right about Russia...APA, Sweetman, ELP and Goon were right about the F-35.  They're being proven right everyday yet many refuse to see the obvious.

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