Monday, March 03, 2014

Health. Your number one resource.

Geez.  This flu virus is a bear.  This guy is going to be missing almost 4 months of work because of the flu?  Who knew!    The problem is that there is something worse lurking inside that pestilence factory known as China that goes by the name H7N9 that is an outright killer.

Take care of yourself people.  

If you haven't been working out.  Start.  

If you haven't been eating right.  Start.

If you haven't been getting enough sleep.  Start.

Do what you know needs to be done.  Today.


  1. Just watched that before coming here. Frightening.

    1. hell yeah it is. he wasn't a PT stud but the guy was in decent shape. the damn flu is fucking people up. its like we're back to the 1800's with this shit. i slacked off but its time to crank it up and leave it on full blast.

    2. He always appeared to be in what in the old days was termed "rude health". A bit overweight but by American standards he wasn't too overweight. Nice guy. Nice videos. We could have lost him.

  2. This has to do with the pharmaceutical corps, basically penicillin and all those generic good stuff designed between 1920 to 1940 was never meant EVER to be used for almost a hundred years. The guy who invented it new back then already new that penicillin would eventually become redundant or dated because generic virus, bacteria ext... evolve rapidly (ranges between 25 to 50 years). However pharmaceutical corps don't bother with developing new strands or drugs because its not good money, they develop something governments complain that everyone deserve access (which is fair imo) and the product becomes a generic one through law (i.e. they [the company] lose their juicy royalties, which to a degree is unfair).

    So what you got now is all major pharmaceutical corps not bothering with r&d because the money is not their for them (fuck them any ways imo). So you have ever level of medicine from joe smoe mother care to major disease centres using tools from 1920 as cure all item, but the thing is IT IS NOT a cure all item any more. Only way you can change this is encourage government to develop the fuck out of new meds, or work a royalty license thing for major pharmaceutical corps so they start R&D new stuff.

    1. I wouldn't put God knows how much money into a product I couldn't have sole rights too. 90% of a new drugs cost comes from FDA trials, and then if someone dies from something while taking the new drug you made the trial lawyers can still make hundreds of millions. The government created this mess and without a buyer beware system in place the cost will go up and the number of new products will go down. Oh don't forget the new Obamacare which puts extra taxes on those trying to come up with new products. What a freaking dumbass (not you, but the idiot in office).

  3. I spend two hours a day on my road bike for a twenty mile ride, cut sugar, cut fat and dropped tobacco.
    Fatty liver was reduced, weight dropped and my legs look fabulous for an old geezer.
    No soda, pop or soft drinks, no alcohol and no fast food.
    I'm still gonna die one day, too soon also BUT I will leave a beautiful corpse behind with legs like Lance Armstrong.
    The Flu, one day that bug is gonna clean the human race out with a high colonic cleansing.


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