via the Washington Times...
Social issues.
The Commandant and many who have never had the courage to wear the uniform called it a done deal.
The rank and file say otherwise.
A Navy F-18 fighter pilot and former Top Gun instructor is publicly warning admirals that retention is beginning to suffer from the military’s relentless social conditioning programs.If this is hitting the Navy then you know its wrecking the Marine Corps.
Cmdr. Guy Snodgrass, until recently a Pentagon speech writer for the chief of naval operations, Adm. Jonathan Greenert, said sailors are becoming fed-up with the constant emphasis on social issues — an apparent reference to gays in the military, women in combat and ending sexual harassment.
“Sailors continue to cite the over-focus on social issues by senior leadership, above and beyond discussions on war fighting — a fact that demoralizes junior and mid-grade officers alike,” Cmdr. Snodgrass wrote this month on the U.S. Naval Institute website, an independent forum for active and retired sailors and Marines.
Social issues.
The Commandant and many who have never had the courage to wear the uniform called it a done deal.
The rank and file say otherwise.