Monday, March 03, 2014

Meet your new military....

Thanks to Jim for sending me the vid link!

This is your new military.

As for me?

Proudly old skool.

Sidenote:  How do you maintain good order and discipline yet still support this type of activity?  How do you maintain it when a newly identified minority is identified as such based solely on sexual practices?  Whether or not you support this policy, one thing is certain.  The ramifications on the force is yet to be realized.


  1. I love how the gay community demands to be taken seriously and then they start prancing around like this.

    1. acceptance isn't enough. they demand respect for disgraceful conduct. the sad thing is that they've successfully hidden their real behavior and wrapped the movement around the fight for marriage equality when they really embrace some of the most sexually perverted behavior since Caligula.

      my bigger question is how do you maintain good order and discipline in this type of environment? what is too far now? what will finally get Amos and his minions upset enough to finally enforce some standards?

      there is no way in hell i would recommend the united states military to anyone except gays and females.

  2. Salomão:

    As Forças Armadas dos EUA estão juntando o pior do que aconteceu com o Exército Grego e depois o Romano.

    O fim de um e outro Império se deu fatalmente.

    Os Gregos chegaram ao ponto desse vídeo, os romanos aceitaram cidadãos não-romanos às suas tropas.

    Sempre achei estranho que o Exército Norte Americano aceitasse latino-americanos e pessoas outras etnias em suas fileiras no fim da década de 70.

    Depois vieram as mulheres, depois os gays.

    Juntar não cidadãos com pervertidos numa Força Armada dá nisso: Merda!

    Se me desculpe a sinceridade, exclua o comentário se achar inconveniente.


    1. you're not the first to point out the trajectory that the US and the Roman empire of old share. nothing inflammatory about that. i consider it a warning from history.

    2. This was not on Camp Hansen....We are all grateful for that, I've seen the Marines on Hansen sing. It's not a pretty sight, the only way it could get worse was if they cross-dressed.

    3. This is news ?
      And could this response to soldiers in drag be any more hyper-ventilating ?
      Where have you guys been ??
      If Ms Drama-Queen is good at the work assigned !??

      Folks sure know how to wind you guys and gals (?) up. And you respond. Predictably.

      As to Agent Proftel-Ingognito making references to Old Rome etc. I'd say that his penchant for hysteric demi-secrecy seems more flamboyant than any drag-artist in combat-heels and camo-rouge.

    4. Gay or straight, this isn't the behavior one should expect from professionals

    5. you nailed it Josh, but the problem is that this is part of their culture. thats where the problems will come from. i don't care who they're screwing as long as its behind closed doors but this is something else entirely.

      well done!

  3. I still DON'T have to like or put up with their perverted shit!! They can suck each others dick till it's raw
    but they better never try their bullshit with me or they won't have any dick left to use.

  4. Is TwentyTwenty still defending this disgraceful behavior?

  5. that's why don't ask, don't tell was so elegant a solution. it removed the old witch hunts and stated plainly that we don't want to know about your private life and we won't investigate it.

    but as usual, the gay community pushed and pushed and the inevitable push back is bound to occur. when people sit back and realize that by the gays own definition that being gay is something that you self declare. that's when the fireworks will hit.


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