Thursday, March 06, 2014

Navy trying for more EA-18G's on the sly....

via Reuters...
(Reuters) - The U.S. Navy plans to add 22 Boeing electronic attack jets to a list of "unfunded" priorities requested by Congress, but the document must still be vetted by senior Pentagon officials, who have underscored their commitment to Lockheed Martin Corp's next-generation F-35 fighter jet, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told the military services in a memo on Thursday they could respond to the House Armed Services Committee's request, but said the lists should be coordinated with his office and that of General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to a defense official.

The defense official and multiple other sources spoke on Wednesday and Thursday on condition of anonymity because the unfunded priorities lists have not yet been formally submitted to Congress.
This is so slick it hurts.

They're targeting the EA-18G because its the plane that will provide electronic support to even the ground pounders.  Additionally it will still be needed for legacy and other non-stealth aircraft.

The Air Force and Marines (HQMC that is) might bitch but its a necessary mission.

And right now into the foreseeable future only the EA-18G can do it.  Oh and yeah.  Lockheed Martin has it congressional boosters...but so does Boeing...and Boeing is located in the President's home state.  Just a bit of sauce for the goose.


Sidenote:  I still believe that the F-35 is far from being out of trouble.  The Pentagon has to be crunching the numbers and I believe that this first "tranche" of cuts is simply a sop to the Generals.  Obama Care and increasing federal debt will cause the numbers of planes bought to plummet.  Its in a death spiral only ALIS doesn't know it yet.


  1. The F-35 program blew up an engine in December, undisclosed until now of course. Pratt says they expected it (once again.)

    1. So what is your point? Every derivative of the F101 did the same thing in the earlier 80's. The F101/F110/F404 all shead blades and killed a surprising number of US Pilots. Guess what? They still use the F404, F101 and the F110. This was caught in testing. Odd thing none of the GE motors had any issues in testing, but did in production. This was the same time as the cartwheeling DC-10, when its GE CF6 exploded in the tail. Oh yeah they still use the CF6.

  2. About the Growler, what happened to the New generation jammer, any news ?
    And another thing, can the growlers be used for conventional ground attack missions , for example when jamming is not that needed are they "wired" for use of other weapons except the types they already use ?


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