Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Poland is activating its reserves?

If this is true then things are MUCH more dicey in Europe than we've been told...via The
NEXT time you take a tray of tea and custard creams to the nice gang of Polish builders renovating your semi, they may seem a little distracted and anxious. Ask them why, and they will answer that some of them have in the last few weeks received call-up papers as army reservists.

This happened to a friend of mine in London at the end of last week. At least 7,000 reservists have been recalled to the colours for immediate exercises lasting between 10 and 30 days.
They’re told by the Polish authorities that the call-ups are “routine”: but the men say they haven’t been asked before and they’re well aware of the growing alarm in Warsaw at President Putin’s aggression. Three weeks ago, their Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, called a press conference to warn that “the world stands on the brink of conflict, the consequences of which are not foreseen… Not everyone in Europe is aware of this situation.”
You can bet that Polish Intelligence services are all over the situation in the Ukraine.  You can also bet that the Poles wouldn't be doing this type of thing for shits and giggles.

Something bad is brewing and we're not getting it from our news media.

So where did I get this news?

From a prepper website called SHTF Plan.  If preparedness is part of your lifestyle check them out. 


  1. It's look's like I'm the Polish resident here on Sol world, so let's get some things straight.

    That article have of false information.

    "This is the first time in Poland’s history that they have called up their reserve troops, so whatever prompted the mobilization is likely of serious concern."

    Well if we take ALL Poland history it would be countless times when reserve troops were called up. But if we take times of Third Republic ( years from 1989 to now ) the last time reserve in larger number was called in 2007. Many people would now receive new mobilization tickets, actualization of data. Many Polish Armed Forces units has been reorganized, disbandment or created and it's good time to tell reserve where they need to go in case of mobilization. Now it was call for younger chronicle of reservist, well I'm not that old and I don't get any call and I'm and Mechanized Infantry reservist. Reservist are trained all the time but in much smaller numbers.

    Of course the situation in Ukraine and the mass train of reserve is interesting... this can escalate really fast and maybe someone in HQ had enough brain cells ( suprise! ) to take as many man as they can and train them for something that I hope will not come.

    If on your street is a dangerous man with weapon it's a good time to grab yours and get some shoot on shooting range, who know, maybe you will need to open fire in anger to defend your home.

    1. I read where Poland called out the reserves and my first thought was, Shas was right.
      Take care Shas and hang tough!

  2. Eh... I stopped checking out SHTF plan when I saw them linking to stuff Alex Jones wrote. I mean, I know guilt by association isn't 100%... but seriously, Alex Jones? He's not exactly an epitome of reliability... or sanity, for that matter.

    1. amazing.

      when you can go to MSNBC and get democrat propaganda. you can go to fox and get the same from the Republicans and you don't feel a need to sift through ALL news sites to determine for yourself what is and isn't true?


      SHTF Plan is still on my read list because they get ahold to stories that are missed by many. this one included.

    2. I'll guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with these 30k Russian troops and where they are going to be after this weekend....

    3. @Solomon

    4. spare me the bullshit. if you don't find the info credible then fine. if you don't like my blog then carry your ass, but you can take your "strawman illustration" and go fuck yourself.

      are you really trying to shovel that shit here? wow. dude you're a piece of work. i'm convinced more than ever that responding to half the people that come to these pages is a waste of time, effort and brain cells.

    5. The strawman illustration was meant to be informative. At no point did I even suggest I listen to MSNBC or Fox News. I also never said I don't "sift through" the information I receive from the news. Those were your insinuations; your ideas.

      As far as "propaganda" goes -- yes, MSNBC tries to present the news in a liberal a friendly manner. Fox News tries to present the news in a conservative-friendly manner. All media has biases -- including SNAFU! and SHTF Plan. Everyone tries to present information in a manner friendly to their own beliefs. The news anchor on the TV does it. The journalist who writes op-ed articles for Time magazine does it. The PR officials at Lockheed, Boeing, and the Pentagon do it. You do it. I do it. We can try to lessen the effect our personal biases have on our interpretation of information, but it will always have some effect.

      My point was that Alex Jones isn't just biased. He doesn't just try to present the news in a biased manner. He's off his bloody rocker. Just based on what he says and the conclusions he makes, I honestly get the feeling that he's either bipolar or on one hell of a crazy meth binge. Hell, he downright *makes up* information sometimes. He spouts constant "predictions" about what he thinks is going on, forgets about the 99% of them that never pan out, and uses the 1% of them that (by random chance) do as "proof" that he has the inside scoop.

      Personally, I love conspiracy theories, and I actually like listening to Alex Jones -- both are bloody hilarious. But nothing he says is real news, and most of it isn't even true. So when a blog links to stuff he writes, it loses a *lot* of credibility in my eyes.

  3. Had some guy tell me that Poland had mobilized all it's forces and recalled all military on leave. Poland was ready for immediate go to war orders. Still waiting to hear his "sources"....

    I can see Poland calling up some reserves and doing some training though, seems smart thing to do but it just could be a precaution and nothing more. As Shas mentioned, Poland military has changed a lot in recent years.

  4. Maybe Polish officials are so opposed to the idea of Russian troops invading Ukraine that they're willing to commit troops towards opposing an invasion. Poland has perfectly legitimate historical reasons for not wanting to share a major border with Russia again.

    1. my fear is that Obama is so busy downplaying this thing and that those in his administration that might know better are so trying to gain favor with the boss that they don't see the scary implications of all this.

      he talks about Russia not being the USSR, but it looks like he's trying to rebuild the USSR to me. the key will be what happens in the Ukraine. i think he almost has to grab at least a slice of it so he has a land bridge into Crimea. if he does what is logical then we;re looking at enhanced sanctions, Iran getting the nuke and Israel hitting them, Afghanistan going south, a new alliance between China and Russia, the west going into panic mode (talking europe) and the world economy taking a major hit.

      the only good thing about the whole situation is that globalizism will finally die when the sanctions hit.

  5. but...but...but...flight MH370? They found debris!

    I wonder if the Russians are waiting for he US or NATO to start reinforcing Eastern Europe before they launch on invasion. Might that be the reason Obama or NATO isn't sending squadrons of planes to Poland or Romania?

    If the Russians DO invade, does Obama have the balls to send in troops? I have serious doubts Obama has the ability to lead NATO against Russia.

    I'm betting his advisors are shitting their pants because their Kumbaya foreign policy has been proven to be a failure.


      its really ironic. one person in particular is a big supporter that follows this blog (he's working on his doctorate) and i know he would disagree, but the facts are stark.

      his foreign policy is a joke and weakness is seen by most. his economic theory has been disastrous. his social policy makes some happy, but pisses others off....he might have won but the battles will continue to be fought for years. and now this.

      we're heading into a new, more dangerous cold war and those bastards in the white house can't see it.

    2. What I can't figure out is why they don't send over some JSTARs and AWACS and start expanding the prior planned 'exercise' in Poland or send some F-22s and some Growlers to Germany.

      I wonder if there are even plans on how NATO would start moving ground forces Eastward via rail. I wonder if NATO could even respond that rapidly before the Russians marched into Kiev.

    3. hate to say it but once the wall fell, NATO became a joke. quite honestly it should have been disbanded. so to answer your question, i'm absolutely positive that they couldn't.

      to take it a step further, if the Russians decided to push into Romania, NATO could only watch. even the nuclear trip wire that would activate if the Russians decided to take Germany isn't even viable anymore.

      the world smells pussy coming from the white house and the world is right. clinton was the first black president and obama is the first female president.

    4. Paralus you miss couple of things. First, we already have above our heads two NATO AWACS planes, damn one is even circle above my home. Second, US send fighters from Italian base to Polish air force base in Łask. 12 machines + Hercules and ground tech support. Maybe not that much and maybe they are older gen then our own F-16 but still it is a support. Third, France want to send two more E-3 and 4 Mirage 200 & Rafale fighters. Also they want to reinforce NATO fighter component over Baltic states. Brits also said that in case of emergency they are ready to send additional Typhoons to Poland.

      NATO react, slowly as always but they react.

  6. As the resident Romanian on the blog (actually Sol you're quite popular in Rou), I can tell you this: the response given by the EU, USA and NATO is perceived as being quite weak. There is a tendency to believe in a new fracture between west and east inside the Alliance, due to the fact that the Russians aren't knocking on Germany's or Britain's door, just yet at least. Poland has a bitter experience with Russia, and so do we, especially since we, Romanians, are quite caught up with Moldavia. Old history, typical to this part of the world.
    Here too people are revising military hardware and plans and reconsider military spending. There were some rumors about Czech fighter airplanes being dispatched to protect Romania's airspace, in addition to the local RoAF (Romanian Air Force).

    1. if a rift is occurring inside NATO then its completely understandable from my point of view. the only thing that is keeping Russia from going further isn't the response from the US or the UK or Germany or France. its the countries of Poland, Romania, Estonia...and the like. Russia knows that if they push, they're going to have a mini-NATO formed and those countries will fight and not ask permission from anyone. plus they'll fight and fight hard.

      in the end, Russia will get the territory it wants but will pay the price that they will awake the sleeping giant of nationalism on the continent. they're going to reawaken old pain that they will want left in the past.

    2. From start of they year I start to think that Cold War never end Sol, Soviets got just that solid hack in the face, move to own corner on knees and now they are ready to round two... fight is still on, just a two decades of time out.


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