Saturday, March 08, 2014

Saudi Arabia and Qatar at war against Iraq?!

Have you heard about the other war going on right now???

via Al Jazeera.
Maliki, a Shia, has in the past blamed unnamed regional countries and neighbours for destabilising Iraq, the AFP news agency reported.
But in an interview with France 24 broadcast on Saturday, the Iraqi premier said allegations he was marginalising Sunnis were being pushed by sectarians with ties to foreign agendas, with Saudi and Qatari incitement.
"They are attacking Iraq, through Syria and in a direct way, and they announced war on Iraq, as they announced it on Syria, and unfortunately it is on a sectarian and political basis," he said.
"These two countries are primarily responsible for the sectarian and terrorist and security crisis of Iraq."
Read the story here.

My thoughts?  Everyone is so anxious to give Sec of State Kerry a gold star for the work he is doing.  Everyone is so eager to pat the President on the back with regards to the world situation and how he's handling things.

The truth is much more stark.

The world is literally ablaze.  There is no leadership coming from the US, the one.

It is baked into the cake now.  A regional war...maybe a couple of regional wars are almost a certainty.  Something will kick off in the Middle East.  There is no stopping it, its gonna happen.  Additionally Africa is still boiling and tribal factions mixed with religious zealotry will ensure continued conflict...which leaves the Pacific.

Many will try and give you the "all is well" signal but thats pure bullshit.  I don't know what the issue will be, but there will be a confrontation in that region soon.

Shit is about to get real worldwide.  Meanwhile we're focused on triviality.  It would be funny if I wasn't seeing this with my own eyes. 


  1. Don't forget about the complexities of global affairs. Whose to say that the Saudi or the Qatari governments are involved?

    Before 9/11, some American charities funded Al-Qaeda.

  2. Well, I don't know where you get the feeling that people want to give Kerry a gold star or that they want to pat Obama on the back for the world situation. The feeling I get is that a most Americans view Obama as still very weak from the Syria Crisis and incompetent as a result of Obamacare's roll out.

    By the way, Sol, there is one country that is providing leadership, but I doubt you'll like the answer: Russia. Syria is indebted to Russia and Iran keeps a close alliance with Moscow despite remaining somewhat of a wildcard. China has so far remained consistent in following Russia's lead on the international scene. The Ukraine crisis may have weakened Russia's image as a potential "good guy," but it is doing spades in making them look strong and unyielding. Putin's status as a badass on the international scene is only growing.

    In fact, this is the first time in history that I can ever think of when most American citizens and Western European citizens view the leader of Russia as more trustworthy, stronger, and better than the leader of the United States. Putin will do whatever is necessary to protect Russia's interests or advance her well being without giving even the slightest fuck about anyone that gets in his way and a lot of people recognize that and like it, even if they don't necessarily like Russia. If a war is coming to the Middle East, you can bet that Russian interests will be well looked after.

  3. Saudis and Qataris are mixed up on great many fronts , Qatar was the main non western player in Libya and Egypt ,Saudis and Qataris played against each other in Egypt ,both are active in Syria and Iraq and remember 9/11 there were no Afghanis in play but mostly Saudis.

    Saudis have been no.1 exporter of terrorism for some time now ,they play a dangerous game where they fund religius nutjobs and send them to fight wars abroad so that they don't make to many problems at home ,so basicaly feeding a snake while keeping it at bay with a sitck.But that can only work for so long.

    Both countries are dictatorships that make Putin's Russia look like first class democracy

  4. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been playing both sides in Iraq (and the entire region) for a long time. It's a long-standing Saudi tradition to give money to enemies, not so they'll hate them less, but so that they'll get addicted to the money and shape their policies accordingly. They do that with friends, too.

    The region's headed back to the old Cold War pattern where the big powers don't intervene directly. That pattern didn't work so badly for the U.S., especially compared to Second Iraq War-style direct involvement.

  5. Hi Sol,

    The US has not been a hands off player in the chaos unfolding here. Consider that despite the Saudi's and Qataris funding terrorists the US is still willing to send arms and equipment to these countries. The violence against Iraq is not something that concerns people in Washington since it prevents the rise of a strong Iraq that is presently moving closer to Iran. The sunni extremists, which are funded through Saudi Arabia, are helping US strategic interests. The same thing is happening in Syria where plans to dismantle the pro Hezbollah Assad Government had been in the works for decades and accelerated with the success of the Libyan action (except the plans failed since Syria is not Libya).

    Your blog is good on the technical side of the war fighting equation but you might want to look into the geopolitical side of what is going on. Please remember that geopolitical thinkers do not significantly factor in the loss of civilian lives, or civil war casualties when it comes to serving 'state enhancing' goals. War and the 'Endless War on Terrorism' is good for the arms and security business plus it allows intervention in various locations around the world. Consider what's happened to the Chinese, who have been setting up business deals in locations throughout Africa, and have now found their positions undermined via conflict that escalated thanks to Western involvement (Libya). Consider the various arms laden ships that have been discovered in recent years, with links to Western countries, that were headed for Africa or Syria.

    A lot of what you see comes down to interventions driven by geopolitical manoeuvring, not humanitarian goals - or else the US would have done something when the protesters in Bahrain were killed, or reacted in response to similar instances in Kuwait or Saudi Arabia. Note that none of these countries are democracies.

    I suspect you will react badly to this message and perhaps misconstrue where I am coming from, and assume that things are more 'black and white' than I have outlined. In any event, please understand that I am not your enemy and I respect your work on this blog.

    Do me a favour and check out any one of the videos at the link (see below) that deals with news analysis. The information here will make most of the 'crazy' political actions you see make sense. Sure, there are some screw-ups when it comes to worldly chaos, but there is a large dose of strategic planning that is overlooked when it comes to understanding these affairs.

    Anyway, please consider some of the key points being raised in the clips at the link - even if you may disagree with some of the other points being mentioned. Of course you can always research some of the claims being made, like I have, to determine if what is being said is accurate.

    Thanks for your great work on this blog - Spook.

    ps. You Tube search 'Gladio B' - the info you find helps one understand what is going on in terms of extremist groups operating in the Middle East and the Balkans.


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