Wednesday, March 05, 2014

The Marine Corps budget. An aviation Commandant prioritizes aviation...again.

via SeaPower magazine.
The budget request would buy six F-35Bs next year, going up to 20 a year by the end of the five-year program unveiled at a Pentagon briefing.
It also would fund the final group of MV-22 Ospreys, with 19 in each of the next two years, dropping off to 17 and then to two a year in fiscal 2018 and 2019 as the Corps nears its planned total of 360 of the tiltrotor troop transports.
And the budget will continue the rapid buy of the new H-1 helicopters, buying a total of 26 AH-1Zs and UH-1Ys next year, and 133 through the five-year plan.
It also would fund six new KC-130J transport and refueling aircraft over five years, with one planned for next year, and it would advance by two years, to fiscal 2016, the purchase of a C-40A passenger jet.
The budget restarts procurement of the MQ-21 small tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, which had been stopped in the current year, proposing to buy one in fiscal 2017 and seven more the next two years.
The one negative change to the aviation programs is a one-year delay in buying the first two of the new CH-53K heavy lift helicopters, sliding the initial procurement to fiscal 2017. The upgraded replacement for the well-used CH-53Es still is in research and development, with the ground-test vehicle built and the first flight-test aircraft under construction by Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.
The ground side gets screwed again, thanks to the fly boy in the Commandant's chair.

We need new leadership.  Read the article here. 


  1. Have you heard any of those rumors about Amos becoming the new Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs or possibly the new SecDef? The politicians in congress think he's a real stand up guy.

    1. i hope the JK stands for "just kidding" cause i've read just the opposite, that questions are being raised about whether he can even lead the Marine Corps.

    2. lol, The JK does stand for "just kidding." I was just wondering how you would react to news like that.


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